Chapter 23

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"It took us quite awhile to find you," the policeman said. After a seemingly long ride to the police station, the policewoman led me to the interrogation room where I was bombarded with stupid questions.

I shrugged at the cop then stared at the grey table. He circled around me steadily then poked me on the shoulder. "What do you want?" I groaned. "To have a chat-" the policeman began. "No seriously," I interrupted sharply. "What do you want from me, exactly? And by the way, I wouldn't call this a chat. I am being interrogated, remember?"

The cop looked at me sternly then sighed. "How were you able to get Clarence's files?" "The Private Investigator gave them to me," I answered. Part of it wasn't true, but I couldn't tell that to this old man. The cop rubbed his sickly hands against his withered beard.

"Who was the Private Investigator?" he asked. I snicker at that question. "The dead girl who was on the news," I explained. "What else do you want to know?" The old cop sat beside me then looked at me softly. Uncomfortable, I scooted a few inches away from him.

"Are you the hacker?" the cop asked.  I looked at him for the first time then nodded. "Yeah," I said truthfully. "What of it?" "I should arrest you-" he said. "For what reason?" I snapped. "Every single one of you idiots are senseless when it comes to power."

The cop laughed then sneered, "You think the police are bad guys? What makes you think that?" "By reading police files," I say coldly. "And by judging the way you look at me, I say you have an addiction problem."

The cop glared at me, but didn't make a comeback. "Why are you doing this?" he asked finally. "I am so sick of that question," I moaned. "From 'Who are you?' to 'What you want?', I think it is pretty obvious." I leaned forward to the old cop then said, "I used to have hope of becoming a better person, but when you morons took my father away from me, it drove me insane. Mom didn't care about it, because she was too concerned about wine than what was going on."

"Because of that day, I have never been so angry in my life. So, I decided to do it the old fashion way and destroy the people who treat every person in the planet, like garbage." The cop stared at me in silence. "I know what you and your buddies think of me, heartless and broken. But you know what? So are you. Every time I walk outside, I could see carelessness in a man, woman, and child from miles away. It's a blessing and a curse."

I leaned back in my chair then stared at the policeman hard. "Are you going to cuff me or not?" I asked bluntly. The cop only rose up from his chair then left the interrogation room with a quiet slam.

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