The Signatures.

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*Two Months Later*

Mike's POV
Where am I? How did I get here? I'm still in my blue pjs so it's still night time.... I thought to my self as I started walking down the hall. "Mike?' I heard a voice calling me 'MIKE HELP!" That was Sammy! Where is she?! "I'M COMING SAMMY, JUST STAY WERE YOU ARE!" I yelled, As I was running down a cold torch lit hallway, when it just stops..... "Sammy? It's me Mike.' I said. I saw a small figure in the corner of the hallway, it was too dark to see who it was but I knew it was Sam. "Sammy,' I said as I walked up to her. "Sammy at you oka-" my hart stopped. The white marble flour was covered in pool of dark red blood. There was so much of it, too much. I took another step forward, Her arms and legs were covered with bite marks, she was bleeding so much. "! Sammy?" I was holding her now, her blood getting all over me but I didn't care. *Cough* *Cough*. Sam came to, she looked up at me. "Mike... Sam love Mike."she said with tiered eyes. "Hey Sammy, shhhh it's ok don't strain yourselve. I'm going to get you out of here just hold on. Stay awake ok?" I said cradling her in my arms as i ran back down the vacant hallway. "Who- or what did this to you?" I asked trying to keep her awake. she looked looked behind us with wide eyes and pointed. A huge grey wolf was running after us. I ran as fast as I could to get Sam to safety. We got back down to the hall way where I started, I held Sammy as I tried to find some sort of exit but failed. I stood there with my little sister in my arms who had stopped bleeding. I checked her pals. Nothing.... I tried again..... nothing....she was baby sister was gone. I failed her, and now she's dead. I slumped to the cold tail floor with my dead baby sister in my arms. "I'm so sorry Sammy. I'm sorry I didn't save you....*sniff*.... I love you Sammy." I started to cry holding Sam as close as I could. As I sit there with her in my arms I heard movement and saw something in the corner of my eye. "Wha...?I said turning around. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?! YOU LET ME DIE!! YOU FAILED ME! DO YOU EVEN CARE?!?!!"~~~~~~~~

I bolt up right in my bed and started looking frantically around for Sam. I look down at the end of my bed and there she was, in her purple night dress, all wrapped up in her blanket lying on top of my feet almost cat like. "Sammy? What are you doing all curled up at my feet like that?" I asked releved, knowing I wouldn't get an answer. I woke up a bit more and released I had been sweating and crying in my sleep last night. I got out of bed and picked up my sleepy baby sister and we headed downstairs for breakfast. We were up early so we were the first ones down stairs, other then John of course."Good morning Mike! Good morning Sam! You two sleep well?" John said as he grabbed some cereal from the pantry. "Good." I said. Sam just nodded sleepily. "Did you remember that your getting fostered today Mike. Are you excited to have a new home?" John asked giving Sammy her cereal. "Ya, super." I said in an unconvincing tone. I wasn't even convincing enough for Sam to believe me. She looked at me with furrowed eye brows. "I'll be back in a month or two anyways so why should I get excited?" I said. "Don't say that Mike,  you should have  a little more faith in these people. They really liked you, I don't think they would give you up for the world." John said with a series tone in his voice. Sam looked up at me with worried eyes. "It's ok Sammy, I'll be back. I couldn't leave my baby sister now could I?" I asked. Sam shook her head no with a huge smile. I wish I could just take her with me, I don't want to leave her here alone. I'll have to figure out a way to get back here. I can't leave her.

(Time skip because I am a savage and I'm done with this small talk bs)

Jack/Seàn's POV
"IM SO EXCITED! AND I JUST CANT HIDE IT!!!!!!!!!" Signe and I sang as loud as we could while we were on our way to the orphanage to pick up our little boy. "I'm so excited Seán!!!! I hope he likes his new room!" Signe said. "I just hope he likes me. He'll love you, how could he not?" I said getting a little nervous. "Sean he will love you. Don't doubt your self." She said giving me a kiss. " I love you Signe." "I love you too Seán."

(A few minutes later they arrived at the orphanage)

I parked in the car and we both got out and raced to the door to see who could open it first. "Jesus, you speedy Gonzalez mother fuker!" I said after Signe beat me to the door. "Well speed is key, is it not?" She said giggling. We laughed and went into the orphanage. "Oh! good morning Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin  how are you today?" John asked as we entered the building. "Very good thank you, how are you?" I asked trying not to sound impatient. "I'm good thank you. Are you two ready to sign the adoption forms?" John said "I thought you'd never ask!" Said Signe jokingly. John lead us into a room where  we signed and read all the documentation.

*time skip because this proses takes too long*

"And finally your signature here, and yours here. Ok! Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. McGloghclen you are now the foster parents of Mike Peters. If all goes well you can come back in 4-6 months and officially adopted him." John said as he put all the files along with our criminal record checks and the home check and so many other things in a portfolio. I started to tear up but all I could do was smile, I was so happy.

Sup friends, it's the meme sun Samarama! I hope you in joyed this chapter. I'm sorry it's a little late, shit happened I'll be fine. I just want to say that all these characters are based off real people in my life, You may not share names but you know it's you. Ok I'll h2g samarama signing off. (The signing off sounds so stupid xD I'm going to stop that now)

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