Oh my goodness I'm so sorry for not writing entry's! I've been so busy with make up work, I was just exhausted.
So, I might as well keep my promise...How to know your therians name.
I only know of three methods, though I'm sure there are plenty more. Please comment how you found your name, and if you used one of these methods. 🙂Listening Method
- This method is how I found the name Pandi. To use this, you listen for a word/name in natural sounds like wind, rushing water, rustling grass, blowing leaves, thunder, rain, etc. I recommend when you listen for these things( 🌧!)to focus your mind on you're purpose, and relax into a mediative state. Don't let your imagination curve sounds into names, just purely listen, as if someone was going to whisper something in your ear. If you don't hear anything on the first, second, or third..... try, don't be discouraged. It can take some practice, and sometimes I think our therians just do not know if it's the right time for you to know.Paper&Pencil Method
-I've only done this once, and I haven't found it very reliable. But, of course, maybe you prefer it. To use this method, you need a pencil and paper. Find a comfortable place to sit, and a sturdy place to draw. It can be outside if you want, or inside, it doesn't matter. Grasp you pencil in a writing position, and point the tip to the paper. Close your eyes and relax, and focus on your purpose. What is your name? It is said that, if you're successful, you will begin to feel small tugs in your hand. Follow it with the pencil. After the tugs stop, you can open your eyes and look at your paper. There should be some letters written on your paper. It may form a word, it may not. Like I said, I've only done it a few times.
Dreaming/Meditative Method
- I've had dreams of the name Pandi after I learned it, so I guess that was some kind of form of this Method. The dreaming part is pretty self-explanatory and led on its own. You basically sleep, remember a dream, and in that dream you were called or told by your name. This can happen a lot in lucid dreaming, were you actually know you're dreaming and you control your actions. I've also heard that lucid dreaming can be so vivid, like you can smell, feel, and taste, as if you were actually there. Rarely, have I ever had such a dream. Meditation for your name is self-explanatory as well. Just relax, listen to music or nature sounds, and listen for a name.
If you hear a name, and it just doesn't feel right, it's probably not your name. Just as we get Camio shifts, we get the same thing with names.
Any questions?
Bird Therian
SpiritualitéHi my name is Katelyn and this is a journal of my day to day life being a bird Therian. I hope you enjoy!