~Chapter 6~

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All I have to say is sorry in advance....

     I was getting ready for my day out with Marshall Lee, He said to wear comfortable clothes because we were going to be doing something really awesome. He refused to give me any other clues, so I had no idea what to wear. I decided to wear some comfortable joggers/sweatpants and a tee shirt, along with a pair of sneakers. I left my house and met Marshall Lee outside the Candy Kingdom. When I was close to the entrance, I could see Marshall Lee standing there, looking around. "Hey," I said as casually as possible. He smiled and waved back. "Ready to go?" he asked. 

     As we walked deep into the woods, I started to get concerned. "Marshall, where are we going?" I asked, but he just smiled to himself. There was a part in the trees, and I could see some old cars and other things. "I like to go here when I want to be alone. It's kinda like a secret hideout. I thought I would share it with you because I know I can trust you to keep the secret." He looked down at me and smiled. When we walked closer to the abandoned lot, I could see mounds of things people just threw out. There were things like chairs, clothes, and even cars.

Marshall Lee's P.O.V

     We fooled around for a bit, throwing things at each other, and just over all having a good time. But she fell. She climbed to the top of one of the mounds, asking me to take a picture of her. It was like the whole thing was in slow motion. I saw her slip and tumble down like a rag doll. She hit her head on a piece of wood and a broken metal door towards the bottom. I ran over to her as fast as I could, but she was out cold. She wouldn't wake up. "Y/N, Y/N please, wake up! Stop messing with me! Damn it Y/N wake up, please! Please.." She wouldn't wake up. I scooped up her limp body and ran as fast as I could to the Candy Kingdom. I admitted her into the hospital there, praying to Glob that she would wake up.

     It's been a week now and Y/N is still in a coma. She hit her head so hard. I don't know if I will ever be able to go back to that place without thinking about that awful day. I wish it was me that fell. I wish I was the one laying her right now, not Y/N. I can't stand looking at her like this anymore. I want to cry. I stayed at the hospital over night just hoping she would wake up soon.

Please don't hate me!! I'm sorry guys, but this was the major plot of the whole story! I'm honestly not entirely sure yet if I want Y/N to wake up or not... *Hides behind Craig from South Park* Don't bruise my fragile little face 

~ Bean <3 (hopefully we are still friends x3)

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