Welcome to my so called life.

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Where do i start of really?  I guess about me...

My Name is Genim Stilinski, but i prefer Stiles to be honest... Genim sounds a bit, boring if you ask me.

I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, and sarcasm is my only whit and defence.

I hate people, and they hate me. The feeling is mutual, i can tell you that much...

Okay, so basic shit... My favourite colour has to be red.

Openly gay, well...      not by my free will... It just slipped. But now it's out, i feel much better.

My mother, Claudia Stilinski, died when i was only 6, i miss her like crazy, but i guess not so much for dad.  So much, he tries to forget her by drinking her away.

He drinks every night, he's not so much physically abusive, just, not so kind with words.     I can't help but feel he blames me you know?  Like, ever since she passed, we just kinda stopped talking. He's even said he blames me, on more than one occasion...

It eventually gets too much sometimes, and i feel like the only way i can get help is my hurting myself...

  The only reason he does acknowledge me is when he gives me food, to at least survive, but funny enough, he sometimes doesn't even bother doing that, so i resort to takeaway or Scott's house.

Scott's my best friend, sometimes he can be a dick and takes my dad's side, but other than that. He's my brother... My second me.

Talk of the devil

'Pip Pip!'

I smile and look out the window to see Scott hanging out the car window like a mong, waving at me to come down and get in.

I laugh and shake my head, pulling on my shoes and hopping downstairs to see my dad passed out on the sofa, whiskey bottle in hand, about to fall to the floor so i run over and stand it on the table.

This is more or less what i do every morning....

I sigh, running a hand through my outgrown hair, turning and running out the door, to see Scott raising his eyebrows at me.

"Took your time sunshine." He smiles so i flog him off as we set off to school.

"I was finding my phone." I lie shrugging.

I know he's my best friend and all... But he doesn't need to cope with my shit.

"Oh, sorry." He chuckles pulling into the parking lot...  "Anyway, are you going to try out for the lacrosse this semester?" He asks, eyes wide in excitement.

"Oh come on.  You don't seriously think we have a chance?!" I laugh, and he frowns some, before pushing out his chest and smiling widely.

"This is a new semester, a new us, a new chance!" He yells victoriously, so i smack his arm climbing out and walking to the school.  "Hey! Wait up dude!" He yelps, falling out the car and running in after me.

We walk through the doors and make our way to class and i bump into...

Oh yeah, i should have mentioned Jackson.   Big, thinks he's all it, Jackson Whittemore. Who's daddy has a lot of money and has was born with a silver spoon stuck up his arrogant arse!

"First day back and pretty boy's already looking for a date." Jackson spits and Danny laughs beside him.

"Why me? Seriously, and it can't be because i'm gay! Because Danny's gay, and he's your best mate!" I snap back.

"Well, because, he isn't an annoying fuck tard." He shrugs, pushing past me and into the corridor.

"Go fuck your Porsche or something." I mumble, walking into class as lesson starts.

This is pretty much my life.. On a repeat record.

If there's a god, he certainly hates me.

He offers to drop me home after school, so i obviously agreed since i have no other means of transportation...

"Okay, so Lacrosse starts tomorrow, please just, at least think about trying out for it again bud." Scott begs, if we were stood outside the car, i definitely think he'd be on his knees right now.

"Fine... I'll sleep on it. And i'll most likely say yes, because you won't stop giving me those damn cute eyes!" I huff, climbing out the car, but he pulls me back by my collar and strangles me in a death hug.

"DUDE, I LOVE YA... YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT!" He yells, messing up my hair.

"Okay, okay!" I shout back, trying to pull away for air.   "I love you too man." I laugh, finally climbing out the car and heading up the drive.

I turn around and wave as he drives off, pipping his horn to say goodbye. I laugh and turn around, going to open the door, but i remember where i am now, so i hold my breath and push it open. I look round and everything's quiet, so i release my breath and walk through into the kitchen and stop in my tracks when i see my dad sat at the table, pissed as ever.

"I was wondering when you was going to be home." He tuts, sitting up some, and refilling his cup.

"I, er, was with Scott." I say cautiously.

"Scott eh? Is he like your boyfriend now?" He laughs.

My dad found out about me being gay, and he actually hit me, for the first time in 17 years!

"No dad, he's like my brother.  We just hung out." I sigh.

"Don't lie, your fucking gay...  I bet you've fucked him." He laughs, and i genuinely get a sick feeling in my stomach.

"NO! Just stop!" I yell, slamming my hands on the table.

"I am not your mother, do not talk to me like that!" He snarls.

"Do not bring mum into this!" I cry.

"Only faggots cry." He smirks, taking a sip, so i run towards the door, and out of the house.

Fuck knows where i'm going... But it's as far away from here as possible!

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