Voluntary apnea

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Stiles' POV:

I've finally made my way up to wherever it was my legs were taking me...

The reserve.

I shove my hands in my pockets and walk looking at the ground, kicking the leaves every so often, muttering under my breath.

"Everyday's the same. I have no one to turn to... My life's a mess.   Scott has his own drama, with his mum and everything.    Hurting myself isn't doing anything to take away my pain..."

I carry on walking until i get to the spot my mother used to take me so i walk up and sit down against a tree, and look over the whole of Beacon Hills.

"Maybe my dad's right... I'm gay, and maybe everyone sees me as this pathetic little faggot boy, who can't do shit right in life."

By now, i run my hand down my face, and feel wet splodges across my face... I laugh and shake my head when i realise i'm crying, but then i break down and all the tears fall free.

I bring my legs up to my chest, and hide my face in my knees.     After a few seconds of this, i jump as my phone rings in my pocket so i answer and put on a happy tone.


"Stiles? Hey man, i was calling to see if you want me to pick you up again tomorrow?" He chirps happily.

"Yea- actually nah i'm good thanks man." I say back.

"You sure, it's no fuss?"

"I'm sure, thanks though."

"Well, alright man... See you at school."

"See ya dude."

I wait till he hangs up, and i stare at my screen for a second, until a few drops of water hit and spread across... I tilt my head back and look up to see it's raining.

I don't move, but instead i pull my hoodie, so it covers most of my hair, and shove my phone back into my pocket.

After a few minutes, i wipe my nose and sniffle some, pulling myself off the ground and, once again following wherever my feet must.

I slowly make my way over to a lake, well it's more of a reservoir...  Once your in, you can't get back out... And it's only time, until you give up trying to stay above the water and you can't stay above it anymore, so you relax and fall under...

It's then that you can't breath, and no one can hear your plead for help, so your slowly dying, drowning...

But when your drowning, you don't actually inhale right before you black out... It's like,no matter how much you are freaking out... The instinct to not let any water in is so strong, that you won't open your mouth until you feel like your head is exploding... But then, when you finally do let it in, that's when it stops hurting. It's not scary anymore, and t's actually kind of peaceful.

I can feel myself crying again, as i move right under the barrier, and walk over to the edge, looking into the water and at my reflection.

"Why did you have to go so soon mum?  I'm missing you like crazy, and i think i'm slowly going insane.  I've tried to keep going... For you...  But, dad's making this so much harder than i thought.  He misses you too, but he's dealing with it in a different way...  But i don't think i can deal with this anymore..." I weep, shuffling closer to the edge.  "All i have to do is jump..."

Before i can take another step, i hear something snap behind me, so i freeze in my place, and slowly turn around.

At first i see nothing, and think about, stopping the whole jumping thing, and just going home to sleep on things, until a pair of sapphire blue eyes stare at me from the bushes, i stand paralysed and stare back, until it moves some, and i see it's a black wolf.

I gasp, and forget where i'm stood, stepping back absentmindedly, and yelling as i fall back.

I try to grab on to the side, but my attempts fail as i hit the water and smack my head against the rocks.

My vision goes blurry as i see red spread out around the water around me, but i can't move my body... I feel so heavy, but so weightless at the same time.

My vision gets darker, and i look straight up, to see the moonlight shine right through and ripple around, illuminating my feet and some of my legs.

I smile as i think of my mum, and start to feel my eyes drift shut... So i do the only things that u can do.

I breath in...

The aching and all of my pain stops as i close my eyes for the final time and let darkness surround me.

Just as i'm about to lose consciousness, something grabs me ad i'm out of the water, but i keep my eyes closed... I still can't breath.

Something pushes on my chest, and something presses against my lips.

My eyes fly open, but everything's still blurry, i see someone, but i don't know who, and i sit up to spew water out of my mouth across the floor.

I rub my eyes, and open them once again, and look around to find the person who saved me.

But they're not there.

No one's here.

But me.

I'm starting to really love this story already and it's only chapter 2 haha xx

Not much to say tonight, in a shit mood TBH...

So meh, Love y'all xxxx

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