His sarcastic ass

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Derek's POV:

Something doesn't feel right... Something hurts...

I push myself up, rubbing my eyes and looking around the cave to find the source of my uneasiness.

I furrow my brows as I look around, finally looking down to see Stiles asleep peacefully.

I shrug and lay down, pulling him closer, in an instant letting him go and sitting up again.

I listen carefully... And to my horror... Not even a faint heartbeat can be heard, nothing.

"Stiles?!" I yell, leaning over him and pulling him up, but I get nothing in return as I start to freak out and shake him. "Goddamnit Stiles wake up!" I scream, slapping his face.. Nothing.

I raise my hand, and just as I'm about to bring it down across his face again, something grabs my hand, and I look behind me to see Malia holding my hand back.

"What the hell?!" She shouts, looking down to see Stiles.

"He's not breathing! He doesn't have a heartbeat!" I cry, sobbing over his body as Malia gasps and moves to my side.

"Get him up, everyone's outside, we need to get him to Talia!" She stresses, so I pick up his body, and we run outside to the pack.
"Help! Help us!" She calls, and everyone instantly runs over to his side.

"What the hell happened?" She snaps, eyes wide.

"He's dead!" I yell uncontrollably... But she shakes her head.

She cocks her head to the side, and moves her head down close to his chest. "He's not dead... He's alive barely, any later and he would have been." She sighs, worry evident on hers and everybody else's face.

"He doesn't have a heartbeat..." I mumble, looking to his pale, motionless body.

"He does, only I can hear this because being the alpha gives me stronger hearing than you." She counters, shushing us all as she takes his arm in her hands. "You don't want this, but without it he will die. No matter what." She says, and without waisting another second, She bites into his wrist.

Nothing happens, so she bites him again next to before, and drops his arm and wipes her mouth.

"What now?" Liam whimpers, and Talia looks to me.

"We wait... To see if the bite takes or not. If not, he'll die, we couldn't have helped him either way... But if he does, he's going to need help on full moons." She explains, and my heart clenches at the idea of me loosing him. "Go, take him to the cave, but come back out and leave him be... We can't stay and worry over him because that's not going to help." She says calmly, so I nod and carry him back to the cave.

I set him down and cover him up, wiping the blood from his arm, and cry as I kiss his forehead quickly, I don't know what I'd do without his sarcastic ass.

I stand up, doing as my mother said, walking back out to the pack as they sit around the fire quietly, not saying a word.

Talia stands, grabbing Peter,  saying she'll look over him, but the rest of us need to stay here, so we all sit and do as we're told...

"So... He never told me... How did you two exactly meet?" Aiden asks , and everyone instantly perks up because they don't know either... But I shuffle uncomfortable under everyone's gaze.

"We were... Err." I stumble, and Scott gives me a sad look.

"You don't have to tell them." He says, and everyone gives us confused looks, but I shake my head and continue.

"Stiles had an argument with his father, so he went out into the woods to walk it off... He was talking about his mum, and he stood over by the reservoir. Me being the idiot I am, moved and he turned and saw me, slipping into the water..." I stop, waiting a few seconds before continuing... "He hit his head and he went unconscious, but he eventually gave up holding on and let the water in...."

Everyone looks so sad, as they look to the floor and Isaac fights his tears. "And we had no idea." He frowns, so Scott takes his hand and kisses the back.

"I got him out and made him survive, but I got scared and took off, I watched him walk home to make sure he was Safe, and then I left. The next day, he was there again, looking for me, so I basically admitted I saved him but, I ran off after he hid from me.... Then he told Scott about me being a wolf... And Scott, thought he was crazy." I laugh, so he rubs his neck and chuckles as he rolls his eyes.

"Who wouldn't?!" He argues, and everyone else more or less agrees before listening for more.

"He told Stiles' dad, who thought he was mental too, so he called Eeichen house. They dragged Stiles out the door and he bit them to get away, running into the woods. I couldn't just let them take him, so I killed them both and let him follow me back... The rest is what you all already know." I shrug.

"He's been through so much for such a young one." Peter sighs, walking out with Talia and the pack tense up.

"He's fine... The bite took. We just need him to wake up which should be anytime now." She smiles, and we all cheer and cry in happiness.

"Why was his dad so harsh though?" Ethan blurts out...

"After his wife died he became an alcoholic... And stiles told him he was gay, so it was just drunken hate." I choke, and Talia wraps an arm around me, kissing my temple.

"He saved you, and you saved him." She beams, and everyone nods in agreement.

We sit like that for a few minutes, smiling and laughing at some memories of Stiles, until everyone looks at me, grinning and then looking behind me.

I turn my head slowly, jumping up when I see Stiles looking better than anything, well... And alive.

"Babe! Your alive! I know your a werewolf, but your alive!" I laugh, spinning him around, but when I put him down, he's anything but smiling. "Babe?" I ask softly.

He looks down, his hands glowing a Magnificent orange, and when he looks up his eyes are a piecing yellow.

"But I'm not a werewolf."

Sorry I haven't done this one in ageeesss .. Xx

But... Here y'all go xx

Stay tuned for more! Love y'all xxxx

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