Unexpected Love:Chapter 2

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I coughed and wheezed as I inhaled the drug. I wasn't used to this. People say getting high is a good feeling. I'm just not used to it. But I did like it. We all passed it around a few more times, and coughed. We all talked,and laughed. It was a good time.

  After so long of losing ourselves in conversation, it started to get dark.

  "We can't be in the party woods and not have a party!" Ben said excitedly. "Let's party hard all night!"

  "It's starting to get dark." I said pointing out the obvious.

  "Well are you too wussy to party in the party woods?" Ben said.

  "Or are you just scared of the dark?" Beka said.

   "No!" I said in defense.

   "Well then. Let's get th-" Ben started to say, but we heard something in the woods.

   "What's that?" I wonder.

   "Probably some partier's." Emily said.

   "Come on guys! This way!" I recognized a deep British voice. Just as I look to where the voice is coming from, I saw Harry, along with a group of boys.

   "What are you doing here?" Harry smiled when he saw me.

   "We're uhm... j-just getting ready to party." I grinned.

   "Good." Harry said in a low voice, giving me an evil smile. "Pass the weed, let's get this thing started." We blared music off of a music cube. At first there were a lot of rap. Like, Dirty Mind, by the New Boyz. There was 23, by Mike Will Made It, and Fucking Problems by A$AP Rocky. After a while of grinding, and dancing like were from the ghetto, a slower song came on that I didn't recognize. Then I realized it was Aerosmith's "I don't want to miss a thing."

   I was dancing alone, and freely. Then, Harry came behind me and grabbed my waist. He  wrapped his hands around my waist  and pulled me in closer to him. I flinch at his actions. Harry started and tried to dance and grind with me, but I didn't let him.

   "What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you." He said, giving me a sweet, innocent, dimpled smile.

   "I- I know. I'm just shy. I don't normally trust easily." I said.

   "Has somebody something to you to make you this way? I can tell, somebody's hurt you before." Harry said looking into my eyes. Harry started to reach for my hands. I stepped back and Harry was forced to let go of my grip.

   "I'm not going to hurt you." Harry reassured me. Harry slowly made his way back over to me. He grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his neck. As Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, I flinched a little.

   "It's okay." He whispered so gently into my ear. Harry then looked me into the eyes, and sung the chorus that had made it's second time around.

'I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep, 'cause i'd miss you, baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing." Harry held onto me close. If I knew him better, this moment would have been perfect. And I wouldn't feel so on edge. And I would've actually felt comforted. I let myself lay my head on Harry's chest. We slowly danced to the remainder of the song, and everyone around us. I had this crazy moment, where I felt like me and Harry were the only one's there. I actually started to feel safe, and secure in Harry's arms. His touch was so soft and comforting. His voice, the same. I was definitely not used to this. I knew Harry could tell I've been hurt before. I felt like I didn't want  to leave here. For once, I actually felt safe. From all the abuse; the bullying, all the hard times I've been through. For just a couple of minutes, Harry made it feel better. Before I knew it, the song was over, and our bodies parted.

   "See. I told you I wouldn't hurt you."  Harry smiled a dimpled smile at me. I smiled back at him and stepped away.

   "I had fun." I said. "But I think I need to go home now." I turned and stepped away.

   "Let me drive you." Harry said as I walked away. I turned towards him. I hesitated, and thought for a moment.

   "Sure..." I said softly, but loud enough he could hear me. I said goodbye to Emily and the other's. Harry walked me out of the woods to his car. Luckily there were street lights. Because if not, it would be pitch black.

  "I had fun tonight." Harry said walking over to the passenger's side. He opened the door for me.

I sat quietly in the passengers side and all of the way to my house. Giving him directions when he needed it. Harry stopped his car in front of my house and told me goodnight. I stepped out and walked to the door of my house. I pray to god everyone is still asleep. I walked through the door and closed it. When I turned around, my step dad's huge silhouette was standing before me. Tall, muscular, dark man. Not the type of guy you want pissed off at you.

   "Where were you?" He asked in a deep, scratchy voice. I shook and trembled with fear.

   "J-just out with s-some of m-my friends." I stumbled getting the words out of my mouth.

   "Did you have fun?" He teased. I couldn't get words out, so I only nodded. Not wanting to move, yet I wanted to run upstars and get as far away from him as I could. A part of me wishes I was still at the woods with Emily, and Harry.

  My step dad inhaled a deep breath.

   "Have you been smoking?" He asked walking closer to me. I stepped back as he walked towards me, only finding myself stuck up against the door.

   "N-no." I stuttered a soft reply.

   "Yes you have! Don't lie to me!" He grouched in a hushed tone. You could tell he was trying to be quiet. So he didn't wake up my mom.

   "Who were you out with?" He said, his voice getting irritated. He kept walking closer, and closer to me. I wanted to spit in his face, but I knew I was going to get slapped. His height gave him advantage over me. And I could try to fight him, but he was too strong.

   "If I keep your secret, you'll have to keep mine." He said with an evil, playful smile on his face. I was confused. Then I knew. I almost cried at the thought... I can't even say it. I trembled. My whole body trembled, and shook with fear.

   "W-what secret?" I whispered.

   "This one!" He said coming towards me. i tried to get away, but he grabbed me and pinned me down on the nearest sofa. "If you behave and be a good little girl, I wont tell your mommy what you've done." His words in my ear made me sick. As he held me down, he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his drawers. He yanked my pants off and threw them across the room. I yelped at his actions. I winced at him pulling off my panties. Before he put himself inside me, he unclipped my bra and played with my breasts. He then shoved himself into me, making me wince and yelp in pain, just like the times he did before.......

   A little while later, he was done with me. I got up and grabbed my clothes and put them on as I ran upstairs. Why can't he use my mom for that? Doesn't she ever make him happy? I would've cried while it happened, but I sure as hell wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. After I locked me door and climbed up in bed, I cried for the rest of  the night.

    Before I knew it, my alarm for school was going off. Wednesday. My third day of high school. Woopie. (note my sarcasm since you can't hear it in my voice.) I put on my usual Sleeping With Sirens tee shirt, skinny jeans, and converse after I took a shower and straightened my hair. After I was ready for school, I grabbed my bags and started walking. I felt unusual pain on my wrists and looked at them. They were bruised. Where my step dad held me down last night. I don't want to think about it, but flash backs keeps appearing in my head.

    This is my everyday life......

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