Prupan:lonly part 2 ( the actual smut)

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The 2 walked into China's large mansion, I was a bright red with golden Decorations. Japan reached out to grab the handle to the large golden doors, they were carefully detailed. As he touched the golden handle the door smashed open, luckily the door opens inwards.
"Hmmm, so that your annoying brother you have been talking about."
Prussia simply stated.


The three men walk through the large corridors of this Chinese mansion. They made it to the very large red table, everyone was there, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thai, Macau and Taiwan. South Korea, Japan and Prussia sat down, they sat right next to each other. Prussia was in the middle of the two, that way South Korea couldn't touch Japan. But there was a bigger problem here; Japan had to sit next to Taiwan, Taiwan had a HUGE crush on Japan ever since, she was a yandare and would do anything to make Japan her's. But that's incest and Japan was very much against it.

Time skip( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Luckily nothing happened and Japan seemed to enjoyed himself a little more then usual, he still felt a little left out though.

Prussia and Japan drove back too Japy's house. Prussia started to get extremely touchy, he started to cuddly and nuzzle against the small male. His face was bright red, but he didn't want too pull away, he liked to feel Prussia's warm body against his own. The black haired male touched behind Prussia's ear, to see how he would react.

Bad idea.

"So Kiku, you like too play like that?~" Prussia suddenly spoke seductively, "I might have to call you Kinku from now on~"
Japan was speechless, he couldn't believe that his crush was saying that to him.
"No way." He thought to him self.

The taller pale man picked up Japan and placed him on his lap.

Japan looked strait in to his eyes: they were full of lust. Prussia started to grind onto Japan. There was an obvious bulge in each of there pants.
" l-lets g-go to my r-room" Japan groaned trying not to moan. Prussia nodded his head picked up Japan and started to move to Japan's room. The two ended up having a heavy make out session on the way. Prussia didn't want to part from Japan's lips but due to the lack of air they had to pull apart.

Prussia gently placed Japan on the bed, caging the smaller male. But Japan didn't like this he didn't want to feel weak, he wanted domination.

Japan quickly flipped them over and handcuffed Prussia's hands together.
Prussia's eyes went wide, he didn't expect him to be that strong. But he enjoyed it.

Japan started to undress Prussia, very slowly.

Japan didn't want to be the weak one in this, he wanted to be the one dominating for once.

Once the Prussian was fully undressed, kinku traced over the pale mans scars and muscles. Prussia shivered at the smaller male's warm touch.
"A-ahh...k-kiku, you are w-way to dressed for this occasion.." the Prussian manage to say.
"Hmm if you want that to happen: firstly you will call me 達人 ( this means Master in Japanese), and secondly: I am in full command of you want anything, you beg."  Japan had a sly look on his face. He pulled away from Gilbert's stomach and started to pull of his clothing.

Prussia needed friction.

Once Japan was only in his boxers the Prussian started to grind one to the smaller male.
"Tch,tch" Japan waved his fingers, "what did I say?"
"達人 please, I need to be the one on top," he began " I need to cum in you, please!"
"That's all I had to hear."
Japan took the handcuffs off of Prussia and through them across the room.

Prussia quickly flipped them over that way he was on top, he gave Japan one lustful kiss.
"Are you ready?" He panted
Japan simply nodded.
Trying not to hurt the smaller male, Prussia slowly but surly got fully in Japan
"Nnhh..Gilbert.. it s-still hurts"

"I know, j-just try to get comfortable."

"Y-you can start." Japan barely panted out.
"Ok, I am gonna start slowly."

The thrust were slow and weak just like Prussia promised.

"Hnn" Japan grunted

"Is there some thing wrong Japan?" Prussia ask stopping his movements.

"It's just that I fell like I need more." He responses


Prussia started moving faster, rougher and harder. A loud moan could be heard from Japan after each thrust.

Japan's moans became louder and louder as he became closer to cuming.

"K-Ki-kiss" Japan huffed out, extending his arms out to bring the larger male closer to him.
A long lustful kiss while Prussia is trying to please Japan as much as he can
"HNNN!" Japan screamed in to Prussia's mouth as he came. They pull away from each other and with one Final thrust Prussia came as well.

Part 3 coming soon
Like it's gonna be done with in a week

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