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Oh great.
Harry's spying on me.

Jessy: did you follow me?

Harry: yeah I wanted to see you.

Jessy: we'll talk to morrow I have to go.

Harry: I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your date.

Jessy: it's not a date. I'll see you tomorrow and go home.

Harry: fine.

I turned my attention to Cole.

"I'm sorry it was my friend she's sick" I lied.

"It's fine, look not to be rude but I'm not interested in this, what I mean is starting a relationship. We can be friends I'd like that" he explained.

"I'm not interested in starting a relationship either, my mom made me do this she thinks I need a boyfriend."

"Really? my mom too, a girlfriend I mean she thinks I need a girlfriend."

"I'd like to be friends, too" I said.

"Great, so what school do you go to?"

"Columbus high" I answered him.

"Me too, what grade are you in?"

"I'm a sophomore and you?"

"I'm a junior. I haven't seen you in school, are you new?"

"No I'm not and I haven't seen you either. How old are you?"

"17, and you?" he asked.


"So your mom thinks you need a boyfriend huh?"

"Yeah but I'm not ready to date I just broke up with my boyfriend."

"Yeah me too, my girlfriend and I broke up a few weeks ago and I miss her" he sadly said.

I felt bad for him and gave him a hug then patted him on the back.
"I know how you feel" I gave him a smile.

Cole and I spend the whole night talking until it was time to go. We even agreed on meeting each other tomorrow after I talk to Harry.


"Goodnight mom and dad I love you."

"Good night honey we love you, too" my mom said.

I changed into comfortable clothes and got into bed. I heard a knock on my window. Now what?

"Harry what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see you."

I sighed, "get in before someone sees you." I moved away from the window.

"I miss you" he was about to kiss me but I blocked his lips with my hand.

"I still haven't forgiven you and we're not together anymore" I whispered.

"Yeah I now know why, your new boyfriend that's why you were telling me to stay away so I wouldn't find out. Am I right?" He angrily said, getting closer to me.

I backed away from him, "what are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about that guy you were with this evening at that party."

"No he's just a friend I swear, I don't have any feelings for him I just met him tonight. He's not over his ex girlfriend" I explained to him.

Harry kept walking towards me and I was scared by the look on his face.

"Harry?" I whispered.

He suddenly grabbed my waist and forced a kiss on me. I tried to pull away but he was to strong, I just gave in kissing him back. I wrapped my hands around his neck and I guided us to my bed.

We landed on the bed Harry on top of me still kissing me.

"No we can't do this" I pushed him away.

"Why not?"

"Because we're still broken up."

"Then let's get back together ok and start fresh forget about our problems and for the record I never used you please take me back" he pleaded.

"Do you still love Alexis?" I asked him.

"No I don't have any feelings for her and I'm telling you the truth."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes positive" he said.

"Ok I'll take you back" I said.

"Really?!" he said.

"Yes, shhh my parents are upstairs" I giggled.

"Oh Jessy I missed you" he hugged me.

"We were apart for one day."

"I know but I still missed you over that time" he kissed me again.

I pulled away after five minutes of kissing.

"I better go" Harry said.

I grabbed his arm his arm.

"Don't go it's late, just sleep over." I crawled to my space of the bed and patted the other space for Harry to sleep.

He laid down and we were facing each other.

"What if your parents see me in your bed?" he asked.

"They won't goodnight." I pecked his lips.

"Goodnight baby."

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