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I ran out after Jessy calling her name. I don't know what came over me back there in the cabin. I guess I was mad, I don't know. It happens, me changing all of a sudden and I didn't mean to hurt Jessy like that, I just hope she forgives me.

I kept yelling her name and looking around for her. She has to be here somewhere, I went back to the car but she wasn't there. What if she left? Should I leave too? Or what if she's here and I leave, leaving her here all alone? I decided to keep looking for her.

"Jessy come out! I'm sorry!" I yelled. "Please!"

I sighed and walked back to the cabin. Maybe she'll come back here. I sat on the couch and then decided to call her, I heard a ring and looked down on the floor seeing Jessy's phone. I ended the call and picked it up, I saw that she had a few messages from Jackie and a few from Dustin. My grip tightened on the phone. This is all his fault; why me and Jessy are fighting. Can't he see she's already with me? I clicked on the message reading it.

Dustin: hey Jessy, we're still on for Friday?

I quickly texted back.

Jessy: no sorry I can't something came up bye.

I turned off the phone and my phone started to ring.


"Harry! Where the hell are you?! You need to get home fast. It's urgent!" Niall yelled through the phone.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just get here, fast," then he hung up.

I stood up putting both phones in my pocket and walked out of the cabin, maybe Jessy already left. I decided to go over at Jessy's first, the lads can wait it can't be than important. I drove to Jessy's and parked on the empty house I always do and walked out the car to her house.

"Jessy!" I whispered/yell, hoping she'll open her window.

I tried a few more times then decided to climb in to her room. I climbed making sure not to make a noise. I opened her window to see that she's not here.

Oh my god! She's still back in the cabin!

As I was about to climb out I was startled by the door opening. I turned around to see Jessy.

"Oh Jessy thank god you're ok," I gave her a hug then she quickly pushed me away.

"Don't touch me and get out," she said.

"Look, love I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to. I don't know, what came over me."

She shook her head and pointed out the window. "Get out now."

"Baby..." I stepped closer to her but she took a few steps back.

"No Harry we're done. I don't want to ever see you again."

"What? Just because of what happened earlier. I already told you I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."

"No Harry it's not just that, it's your possessiveness, jealousy and the fights. We're always fighting when we're together. I think we rushed things between us, by dating each other too fast. We should have gotten to know each other better. I still think it wouldn't work out, come on you're 21 and I'm 16 it's illegal. Plus I'm tired of sneaking around. I want to be with someone who isn't hiding from the law, a normal person not a criminal like you. I'm sorry but it's over."

I felt my heart break at her words.

"You don't mean that," I said.

"I'm sorry but I do. Harry please leave it's over between us."

"Please Jessy, I can change," I promised her.

"No, please go before my mom finds you here," she says.

I sighed, "oh and here's your phone you left it at the cabin." I handed it to her.

"Thank you," she grabs it.

I climbed out of the window giving her one last goodbye.

"Goodbye," she said.

I walked to the car and started driving, heartbroken.

I still can't believe it, she broke up with me.


I walked inside the house looking for the boys.


"Down here!" I heard Liam yell from the basement.

I walked down there seeing the lads huddled up in a circle.

"Finally you're here," Louis said.

"What's so important?" I asked.

"You're not gonna like it," Niall said.

"What?" I questioned.

Zayn handed me a little box.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"This was at our doorsteps a few hours ago," he said.

I opened the box to find a note and underneath the not a picture of a girl.

I took the picture out to see it clearly.


I read the note.

Wouldn't want anything to happen to her, now would we?

I looked at the boys, anger washing over me.

"Who send this?!" I yelled.

"We don't know, we're guessing this big threat everyone keeps saying," Liam said.

I looked down at the picture again, she was sitting in a chair with a blank expression on her face. Gemma looked different, older.

She's alive! Gemma's alive.

But someone has her and I'm going to get her back. I'm not losing her this time.

Hey guys!

I'm sure you guys are tired of me updating really late and always apologizing but it's because I'm really busy. I'm so sorry I update when I can and if you guys are still here reading the story thank you so much you don't know how much that means to me. I love you guys and I hope you like this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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