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Cole and I were sitting in a table at the food court.

"So are you going to tell me what you did?" I asked him.

"I don't know you're going to think I'm a terrible person" he said.

"No I'm not and if you want my help I suggest you tell me."

"Ok, four months ago my friends and me made a bet; I would win if I slept with her and if I didn't they would win. I started talking to her then went out with her and eventually we slept together and I regretted it. I fell for her and my friends told her why I was with her and she broke up with me" he explained.

"Ok so you slept with the girl because of a bet but you fell for her and now you want her back?"


"Ok who's the girl?" I asked him.

"Tina Ricks."

"What?! why her?! she's the most nicest, sweetest most generous person in the whole world. She didn't deserve that!"

"Shhh, I know."

"Why?" I questioned.

"Because of how you described her and my friends said she would be easy to get with."

"Ugh, you don't know how bad I want to slap the crap out of you for doing something like that to her."

"I'm sorry I regret it but are you still going to help me" he said.

"I'll talk to her but it's her choice if she'll forgive you and take you back" I said.

"Ok thanks, since your doing this for me then maybe I should do you a favor too like find you a boyfriend maybe?"

"No thanks I'm good" I said.

"Oh come on don't you want someone?"

"No, I'll find someone if I want to date but not now."

"Ok." He said.


Cole and I were at the mall for two hours then I decided to go home. I was laying in my bed thinking about Harry. This was supposed to be our day to see each other, for once to try to be a normal couple. We're always interrupted by someone; my parents or his problems that he has. God I need to talk to Jackie, I have a lot to tell her, I dialed her number but it went straight to voicemail. Ugh.

Jessy: Harry my parents aren't home they'll be home by 11pm you can come over if you want to or if you aren't busy.

I'm really bored right now, I went outside and walked around the block. I would check my phone for a text from Harry, he must be very busy. I kept walking and walking, I noticed I wasn't close to my house anymore. I was close to Harry's house.

Should I go over to his house? just to see if he's ok or if he needs anything.

No don't he's going to get angry, he already warned you about being there. My brain was telling me.

But what if he's in trouble and needs my help? I need to go and check on him.

Suit yourself.

I walked to the path where Harry's house was. I finally reached his house, I walked towards the door then someone grabbed my arm making me turn around to face them.

"Who are you?" A tall, dark man said.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I asked you first, answer me" he tugged on my arm harshly making me whimper in pain.

"What's going on here?" another guy said. The one that was holding me moved aside to see the other guy. It was Jason.

"Hey sweetheart long time no see" he said coming near me.

"Are you here to see your boy Styles?" he asked me.

I looked down to my feet not answering him.

"Ok I'll take that as a yes, I'm here to see him too, let's go together." He linked our arms together.

"You know what I was actually coming out so I should go." I tried to pull apart but he was holding my arm too tight.

"No you're not going anywhere."

I let out a deep sigh. I should have listened to my brain!

Jason knocked on the door, he still had our hands linked together.

"I'll be right there!" we heard Harry yell.

"He-, Jason, Jessy!" he half yelled surprised.

"What are you two doing here together?" Harry angrily said eyeing both of us.

Jason made his way inside Harry's house and I following him.

"I was just coming here to visit you then I saw Jessy walking towards here" Jason explained.

Harry's angry eyes instantly met mine, I quickly looked down avoiding his gaze.

"Would you mind letting her go?!" Harry yelled at Jason.

"Oh sorry." Jason let go of me and I made my way to Harry then he wrapped his arms around me.

"What do you want Jason?" Harry said.

"I just stopped by to see how Louis's doing."

"How would y-.... it was you that shot him you son of a bitch I'm going to kill you!" Harry was going to launch himself at Jason but I stopped him.

"No Harry please just let it go" I said.

Harry threw me towards the couch and he and Jason were fighting on the floor.

"Stop!" I yelled.

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter too I want to write as much as I can. I might not be able to update a lot for a while.
But comment & vote please and thank you.

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