House Party

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"Man come on I know you're not scared to ask your mama if you can go to the party." I try again to persuade Camille.

"We still gotta go to my dad's." She sighs. "Just let me know how it go."

Spring had come back around so it was warm enough to wear the sundress Camille's mama bought me.

It was white with yellow sunflowers all over it. It fit close on top and flowed away at the waist. I slid on some yellow flats and sat on the couch nervously talking myself out of going to the party.

I had to get of of this house. I hopped up and headed out before I changed my mind again. Jamar's house was just two blocks over and on the end of the street.

As I rounded the corner to his street I could hear the music blasting. I twisted the locket on my necklace as I took one nervous step after the other. When I walked up to the house Jamar and Lance was sitting on the stoop smoking.

"What's up? I see you made it." Jamar said holding up the cigar to me.

"I'm fine." I said holding up my hand to him.

"I like your dress Pretty." his friend stood as he started to talk. "You want to dance?"

"I don't dance." I shook my head. "Thank you though."

"You ain't gotta be scared girl?" Lance laughed. "I'll teach you." He grabbed my hand and led me into the house.

I had never heard the song that was playing but clearly I was the only one cause everybody else was dancing and shouting the lyrics.

Lance wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me as he rocked and swayed and rapped along with the song. I followed his lead and swayed along with him.

"You wanted something to drink" he yelled directly into my ear.

"Yeah." I shook my head and followed him to a table off to the side.

I drained some punch from a cooler while he dipped down to get a beer can from the styrofoam crate beside the table. I took a big gulp of my drink and swallowed hard. The liquid burned my throat. I raised my eyebrows and shook my head trying to shake off the pungence of the drink.

"I told Jamar he made that stuff too strong," he grinned. I was able to nod through my gagging.

Some guy came over talking to him and I happened to recognize a group of girls from school.

"What's up?" Chelsea said as I walked up.

"Hey I just got here." I say.

"I ain't never seen you at no party" she said hugging me.

"Yeah I had to get out the house for a change." I admitted. "I live right around the corner." I told her.

"Me too!" A girl Nina from my math class chimed in. "I don't know why I thought you lived by Camille Thompson."

"Probably cause I be over there all the time." I laughed.

Nina passed me a blunt and I took a pull of it inhaling the smoke into my lungs I coughed a little.

"Let's get another drink." Chelsea said.

"That shit strong!" Nina shook her head. "I'm through with that." We laughed as we walk over to the drink table.

I drink my second drink fast to avoid the bitter taste. We stand by the table talking about the people dancing and laughing.

"Where Jamar parents?" I ask making either my 4th or 5th drink.

"His mama work at night." Nina said.

A light skinned guy, I recognized from the basketball team walked over and grabbed a bottle from the cooler.

"What's up Chelsea?" he said.

"Nun" she smiled hard.

"Come fuck with me." he said showing off his handsome smile.

"Alright." she said, flashing a look at us before following him to the hallway. 

"She love that ol long neck boy." Nina laughed.

"That's her bf?" I asked curiously.

"Naw they just be messing around. She will break her neck to leave me when he call." She rolled her eyes.

"Well he is cute." I added.

"Hell Yeah!" she busted out laughing.

"What y'all laughing at?" Chelsea walked back over.

"You" Nina laughed.

"Shut up." She smirked. "Andre and his friends having a lil low key  thing over his homeboy house they want us to come."

"Me too?" I ask.

"Yeah girl!" She pushed my shoulder. "They see how cute you is too." She told me.

That threw me off. Cute? I guess so. I did have on a cute lil dress.

"I hope he stay close I can barely walk home definitely not nowhere further."

"He stay in Woodcress but they gone give us a ride." She says.

"Ok." I agree.

"I guess." Nina said, still standing with her arms folded.

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