Chapter 13 | What is it about Starbucks?

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*Killian's POV*

Things changed after that conversation with Emma. She finally realised that I weren't the bad guy and we even became, dare i say it...Friends. However friends didn't mean she trusted me or felt safe for that matter.

I'd made an effort to make friends with that Regina, she seemed to know Emma better than I did and i felt as if it was my duty as a friend to at least make sure she was okay.

She more or less stayed with Graham now, I'd see her in class but between accidental coffee shop run-ins and her new found job at Sports Direct i was alone most of the time. Well i was alone, but then i met up with Milah.

There was just something about her that clicked with me and we started going out and seen as Emma's not here she stays with me quite a lot.

October rolled into November and November turned to the last month of the year. December. A time for cold, snowy days by the fire and over exaggerated Christmas decorations. I didn't mind though. 

Me and Milah had been doing great. She was great, seriously great, there was just something I couldn't quite place. I don't know if it was because she seemed distant or that it'd been a good few weeks since I'd last spoken to my roommate.

"Hey babe do you wanna go clubbing tonight?"

I took my head out of my phone after debating whether or not to click the call button on Emma's contact.

"Sure, it wouldn't hurt for us to have a fun night out"

"Okay well meet me outside here at 8 okay?"

I gave her a quick peck on the cheek to confirm our plans before going out to Starbucks and getting a drink. Only to find my plans being diverted by a tumbling  mess of Blonde and Raven hair.

I stepped closer to see what was going on to hear a couple of passing words.

"Should have done more then just pour coffee on you bitch."

"How's that burn feeling? Oh wait you're used to the feeling of pain."

I decided to pull the ever moving cat fight apart instead of standing and filming like the other spectators. I grabbed the blonde whilst someone else grabbed the brunette only to hear her shouting at me.

"Hey! Keep your hands to yourself jerk."



She looked up and stopped fighting me.


My mind flashed back to the last time i pulled Emma out of a cat fight before glancing to the raven haired woman who had been wrestling Emma.

"Oh you're kidding me. Again you guys? Because last time wasn't enough."

Emma rolled her eyes before lunging at the brunette again.

"Woah hey Emma."

I tried to grab her but she went straight for the other woman.

"Swan stop!"

She stopped and a flash of realisation spread over the brunette's face.

"Wait , you're Emma Swan?"

Emma stopped and looked at her with caution.

"Oh. Where are my manners. Firstly my apologies for both fights, had i have known who you were. This never would have occurred."

Emma hesitantly backed down.


The brunette stuck her hand out to Emma and offered a friendly smile.

"Regina Mills"


Oh my good gosh guys. Where do i even begin. First of all. I'm so sorry for not updating, I've just been so fricken busy and i got a job and I literally have had 0 amounts of time.

Secondly, i would like to wish you all a very happy December and my gift to you is a chapter a day until the festive season ends.

Thirdly, some of you have probably read this chapter and thought what the hell? But I'm just clearing things up. From chapter 12 i re wrote things so the story would make sense more.

Anyway, i love each and every one of you so thank you for reading and let me know what you think my loves xxx

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