Breaking part 1

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Afraid- the neighborhood
Hurt- Christina Aguilera


I woke up to another day in hell. As hell I mean I have to go to school. School is probably the scariest place there is. Well to me. Every morning I wake up to the name calling, threats. I'm kinda use to it but not really.
I finally got myself out of bed and decided to get ready for school. I hopped into the shower to clean my fresh cuts I had made last night. I washed my body my face etc. Once I got out of the shower I got dressed. I threw on a pair of ripped light wash jeans, a black north face jacket, and some slip on white vans. I threw my hair up in to a messy bun, and pulled on a thick black headband. then I applied a little bit of foundation, and mascara. One I was completely ready I grabbed my purse for school, and car keys and headed out the door.
I arrived at school and I was so not. Ready to walk through those doors. I eventually got my self out of my car and began to walk through the front gates of my school. "GUYS THE WHORE SHOWED UP TO SCHOOL!" yelled Alexis.
Alexis Offield is the schools queen bee. And is also my ex boyfriends girl friend. When me and Jackson broke up he told everyone that I cheated on him which so did not happen. Since then everyone thinks I'm a slut. Well except my two best friends Alex and Sydney.

"Come on Bridget just ignore them," Alex said running up to me.


"Dude, shut up leave her alone,"
Said Sydney.

This pretty much happened everyday.
But like I said I'm kinda use to it.

"Thanks guys," I said to them.

"We're always here for you Bridget."

"Yeah no matter what were here for you!"

After all the commotion walking to school I went to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th period. Then it was lunch. Lunch was probably the worst part of the day.

"Hay Bridget, did you make anymore cuts today? Your an attention whore, that's why you cut, all you want is attention. It's sad. Why don't you go and do everyone a favor and kill yourself." Alexis said to me.

Everyone's started laughing at me. Like a joke. I'm just one big joke. I ran out of school crying. She's never said anything that bad to me ever. Usually it's just the normal name calling, but nothing like this.

I ran to my car and began driving home. I could barely see the rode because I was crying so much. Once I pulled in too my driveway I ran inside my house.
Thank god my parents weren't home. I would have to tell them everything. They have no clue that I hurt myself.
I ran into my bathroom and leaned against the wall crying. Why me? What have I done to deserve this? I pull down my sleeve and grab my razor. I begin cutting. feeling the cold razor against my skin, I feel all the weight life off my shoulders.
Once I was done I did my normal routine. I wash the blade, wrap my arm in gauze, and throw on a big hoodie so my parents don't suspect anything.
Once I was finished I went on my phone and watched the only thing that can make me smile. Nash Grier. I'm not like an obsessed crazy fan, but he saves me if that makes sense. He gives me a reason to smile. A reason to wakeup each morning.
I go on his YouTube and watch his newest video with Cameron Dallas and Jc Caylen. I keep watching till the end of the video when there going to announce some thing big.

"Well as you guys know we are on are Magcon tour right now, and we decided to make a last minute stop in SAN FRANSISCO. We will be at the Cowell palace January 7th. And I hope to see all ya'll there !" Nash said into the camera.

Wait did I head what I just did. I began to freak out the Nash is coming to my city! Then reality hit me and I realized that today was January 6th, which means that they would be here tomorrow.... HOLY FACK I HAVE TO GET TICKETS.
I went onto the Magcon website and put in the information credit card blah blah blah. AND GOT TICKETS.
But I would have to figure out how to get around my parents, cause I have school..UGH, at least I get to skip two days.
So I eventually decided to call up Sydney to see if we could "pretend" I'm spending a couple of days at her house when really I'll just be going to the city. I know it's a good plan.

Phone conversation..

Sydney; hello?

Bridget; Sydney I need you to do me a huge favor

Sydney; what is it?

Bridget; so I kinda bought tickets to go to magcon tomorrow and I would have to skip school so is it cool if I stay the night so my parents think I went to school with you?

Sydney; yeah it's totally fine, what happened to you at school today, was it Alexis?

; yeah...

Sydney; did you do it again?

I was scared to tell her. I could hear
the disappointment in her voice..

Sydney; just tell me the truth

Bridget; I did

Sydney; alright... just come over whenever k?

Bridget; ok, bye love yea

Sydney; love yea too, bye

Hangs up la phone


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