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"So Taylor what were you and Bridget talking about?" Matt asked with a smirk on his face. Nash and Bridget had just left to go to pink berry.

"Nothing really just getting to know her better." I said.

"Do you like her?" asked Cameron.

"I don't know. I just meet her th-"

I was interrupted by an angry Nash coming through the door.

"Nash where's Bridget?" I asked

"I don't fucking know she stormed off cause I brought up her cutting." Nash said. Everyone went wide eyed after he said that Bridget was cutting.

"What the fuck Nash! What were you thinking she's delicate you have no idea what your doing to her. Where did she go?"

"I think she's leaving and it's not my fault she was being a bitch about it!"

I ran out the room. I had to find Bridget before she left. I had to see her again. Nash was such a dick sometimes. I don't get it.

Once I got to the parking lot I saw her get into her car. I used the last of my energy and sprinted to her car.

"Bridget stop!!" I yelled.

"No Taylor leave me alone." She said with tears rolling down her face.

"Bridget I want too help!"

"No you don't! I'm just some charity case to you! I'm a worthless piece of shit that dosent belong here and I would be better off de-"

I interrupted her by crashing my lips into hers. I could not bear to hear her say that she would be better off dead. It took her a second to realize what was happening and she eventually kissed me back. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach. It felt, perfect. She eventually pulled away.

"Do you believe me now?" I asked her.

She bit her lip and nodded.

"So do you wanna go back up there?" I asked her.

"No, I think it would be better if I left."

"Well can we at least hangout tomorrow? We have like a 2 week break and me and the boys are staying here."

"Yeah sure. Well I gotta go. You have my number right?"

"Yeah I'll call you by Bridget."

"Bye Taylor."

I kissed her on the cheek then closed the car door. Than I slowly began to walk back to the hotel room.


What the hell was I thinking? Kissing Taylor? Well I didn't kiss him he kissed me but I did kiss back. Why did I flip out on Nash? I guess I'm just not comfortable with telling him anything. I did just meet the kid but I also just meet Taylor. But there's something about him that I don't know how to describe. Ugh.

I began to drive back home. I didn't really feel like going tithe second day of magcon after what just happened. I live in the marina district so it's kinda far from where I was. And don't even get me started on the traffic. But a little Blink 182, and the xx can fix anything right? Or I would say so. Music makes everything better. When your sad,happy,mad no matter why music can just instantly change your mood. It's. Weird. But a good kind of weird.

1 hour later I pulled into my driveway, locked my car, and went inside my house. Of course no one was home. So I was in a big empty house all by myself. Great. I ran right up stairs into my bathroom and took a shower, washed my hair etc. once I got out of the shower I changed in too an oversized crew neck and a pair of lounge shorts. After that I just wrapped my hair into a towel and decided to go on tumblr. Tumblr was kind of my escape from the real world. I had an anon blog. It pretty much a blog about my life. I try to give advice to people in my situation. It's kinda comforting talking to someone that's going through what your going through. Or at least something like it. Eventually I fell asleep scrolling through Connor frantas tumblr.

NEXT DAY (Sunday)

I woke up to the front door slamming. It was probably my mom. Sh. Usually comes home from work in the morning.

After about 30mins sitting in bed and scrolling through tumblr I finally got up out of bed to get ready for the day. Since I didn't have any plans I just threw on a pair of black sweatpants and a mint green sports bra. I changed my nose ring and stuck in a diamond stud, threw my hair into a bun and walked downstairs.

"Hi honey." My mom said cooking breakfast. That's weird she usually dosent cook. At all.

"Uh hi mom."

"So who's the boy in that picture I keep seeing of you?" she asked.

"What picture?" I asked. Okay she's kinda freaking me out.

"All my co workers say there daughters are so jealous of you. One of them showed me the picture. You were with a boy he was wearing a red bandana I think...."

"Oh Taylor." I said.

"Taylor. Who's Taylor?"

"He's just a friend."

"Oh okay well I have to go back to work. I left you some money on the counter. Bye sweetie!"

"Bye mom."

Okay that was so weird. We haven't had a real conversation in a long time. All of the sudden I heard my phone rang so I ran upstairs looking for it. Once I found my phone the number was still calling me but I didn't recognize it so I awnsered anyways.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Bridget?" the voice said.

"Yeah, and who is this?"

"It's Nash...."


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