t w e n t y

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"thank you," he whispered to the sky, probably talking to his god. 

"but it doesn't mean i forgive you." 

"i don't forgive myself either."

"good," she said. her mascara was already ruined; she had started crying silently when he said 'i love you' to her again. she couldn't take it anymore. "but you know what you did?"


"you drowned me."

a silence. 

she continued, "you gave me your love, which was my air. i could breathe, and it felt nice for once. then you went and did what you did. you took my air and replaced it with confusion, loss and a broken heart, which was my water."

another silence.

"so you drowned me. and i'm still drowning." 

"what if i save you?" he said in a quiet voice.

she laughed, but it wasn't full of amusement. it was broken. "you can't save me." 

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