Chapter 7

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"Sherlock ...we're in a cell..." John groaned from a bench .

Thankfully , they were alone apart from the guard outside , although the cell could hold at least 10 people. It was a bright room, with white walls, and bars on one side, revealing a plain corridor. The guard was leant against the bars .

John had his hands in his hair. His sleeves were covered in blood from helping Sherlock sort out his knuckles. Moran must have been really roughed up, because Sherlocks fists were in a state.

"Excellent , 10 out of 10 for your observational skills " Sherlock drawled, he was sat with his knees tucked under his chin, his eyes were closed and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Shut up ! I'm still angry at you." John shouted, looking up at Sherlock. 

"I didn't tell you to punch a police officer, you're in more trouble than me." Sherlock retorted, opening his eyes just enough to peer at John.

John sighed, "You're right, it's not your fault, sorry" .

Sherlock frowned, " you're ...sorry ?"

" Yes , I'm sorry "

Sherlock shrugged , "If you insist" . He turned to look at the guard outside. John stood up and leaned on the wall, blowing air from his nostrils and wiping his face.

Sherlock was still frowning at the guard .

"What you frowning at then?" John said. Sherlock smirked and stood up , languidly making his way over to John, and leaned in close.

Johns breath quickened, and it felt as though his heart would fall from his chest. He jumped as he felt Sherlock's breath on his neck, Sherlock whispered into his ear,

"I think I've found a quick way out. The guard? Ex MI5 agent. "

John frowned, confused eyes turned to Sherlock's knowing ones.

" And I know people...And he's gay."

Sherlock pulled back, and John let out a quiet sigh through his teeth, and cracked his neck. Sherlock lazily wandered over to the guard.

But he quickly slipped a hand through the bars and tapped him on the shoulder .

"Look I'm don't care how much your mummies and daddies will be angry at you , you're both in for assault and I'm-"

The guard began to lecture, but he was cut off , by Sherlock . John's eyes widened as he saw Sherlock kiss the man. He also saw Sherlocks hands wander to his belt . Was he? No, he didn't undo the belt. He did something else .

As quickly as it began, Sherlock stopped, biting at the guards lip as he pulled away laughing. He held up the guards gun .

" So easily distracted "

John didn't know whether to smile , declare he was not part of this , or worry about how manipulative Sherlock just acted .

The guard held his hands up, " You're not gonna use that gun , they'll hear you. "

Sherlock smirked .

" Smart man , but this gun isn't for you , this is to shoot my brother in the foot ...after you let us out ."

The guard frowned, " And why would I do that ?"

" Well, you're ex MI5-"

"How did you..." the guard began .

" Don't interrupt me " Sherlock said, holding a hand up. " As I was saying ,you're ex MI5 , so , you'll probably know my brother . Two words , it will take me to get out of here , two words and you will not tell anyone, and strike any details of this event from any records , anywhere , all I need are two words..."

The guard raised his eyebrows, " I find that hard to believe , what are these two words then ?"

Sherlock smirked , " Mycroft. Holmes."


" I can't believe that worked" John said, jogging to keep up with Sherlock . Sherlock smiled, " I know people."

"You're brother ...Mr Smith, at school..." John mumbled .

"Very good, how d'you know that then."

"That...girl ,she called him Mycroft , I figured there aren't many people with that name, aswell as the fact you told me you had history. Sibling rivalry is it ? "

Sherlock smirked as a black car strode in . The back door opened, revealing who John now knew to be Sherlocks brother .

" Not often I get greeted by his heighness himself when picked up from the police station."

Mycroft rolled his eyes , " Every time, couldn't you just wait until I arrived , instead of threatoning the guards? Put the gun down."

John jumped when Sherlock fired a shot into the car first , it made a splintering sound. He'd shot Mycroft's umbrella. At least it wasn't his foot, John thought . 

"Just get in the car , both of you."

Sherlock got in the back, the car was spacious , with seats facing eachother , Sherlock sat facing Mycroft on the other side of the car , John just sat opposite Sherlock .

"You idiotic child." Mycroft said , Sherlock smirked.

"It was worth it, I don't care you tipped off the police, you still attended a class , in lipstick."

John rose his eyebrows , and Mycroft rolled his eyes.

"Gun." Mycroft eventually said , holding out his hand , they'd been driving for about 10 minutes. John had the feeling they were going in circles until Mycroft was done with Sherlock .

Sherlock frowned , " No, I worked hard for this one."

John snorted,

"Oh come on." Mycroft retorted, "you told them my name, and they gave it to you when you asked , simple as "

" Actually , I snogged this one, needed the gun to keep him quiet before I mentioned your name."

Mycroft smirked , " I was convinced you'd been kissing your friend here." Mycroft said , gesturing to John. John blushed , " I'm not gay " he muttered .

Sherlock ignored John and continued " I guess your deductive skills are a bit rusty , as is your metabolism."

Mycroft huffed, " I was going off your history with James , you seem to always want to snog your only friend."

The car stopped , Sherlock stiffened , " Jim was my dealer, not my friend. Don't. Ever. Talk about him."

Sherlock got out of the car , the gun was shoved in his pocket .

"You're acting skills are becoming rusty, I can see your emotions Sherlock "

Sherlock ignored him and carried on walking . " Come on John!" he shouted,

John got out of the car and flowed after Sherlock , he heard a shout from Mycroft .

"You haven't seen the last of that boy , I promise you that !" .

The car door closed, and he drove away.

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