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Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lay a kingdom. With a King and a Queen who were loved by all. Their line of royals are know across neighboring kingdoms and beyond for their breathtaking beauty and the beautiful replicas that are their offspring.

King Noah and Queen Ava had five little ducks. The first born being a handsome boy, Prince Aaron. A perfect replica of the king. Strong, tall, and loved by many fair ladies.

The second little duck, a beautiful girl, Princess Olivia, who resembled a gorgeous feminine version of the king. Adorned with his charming smile and ambitious attitude.

The third duck is another boy, Prince Ashton, he this time a masculine replica of the queen. His natural beauty shinning just as bright as his mother's. Alongside a clever and passionate mindset.

The fourth duck another daughter, Princess Leila, with feathers like her mother and eyes like her father. She was a lovely mixture of striking features and perfect charm.

Last but not least, the youngest little duck, Eloise. Her feathers not quite like her father's and not quite like her mother's. While they had mixtures of light tones, she was distinctively dark, gray and a bit dim. The only remanence is of her mother's eyes. As they were bright and shiny on Queen Ava, the hue came out slightly darker and dull on the little duck.

This one a bit odd and a bit different. But all the same beautiful.

Unfortunately not everyone thought so.

King Noah and Queen Ava are not only known for being apart of extending the line of beautiful royalty, but also the want of expanding their kingdom. The only way to do that is to arrange marriages for their little ducklings. Furthermore to connect the various kingdoms, and also the chance of any kingdoms ruffling feathers with one another would deplete.

So they did just that. Holding galas and balls of all kinds for each of their children at a young age and attending others' to keep connections strong. The children would mingle and get to know other princes and princesses.

When it was seen that one of the ducklings had even the slightest connection with another, the King and Queen wasted no time in making an arrangement.

The King and Queen managed to find a partner or a potential love interest for all but one. Who you may ask? Why our odd little duck of course. Though not giving up, they continued to hold balls for her and her siblings.

This ball however, would be the one that changes it all.

"Come on now little one, we don't want to be late for the pictures." Queen Ava spoke.

Each year and before every ball hosted at home, the royal family gets a picture taken. Upon the Queens request, who adores the idea of memorabilia.

This one being for the King and Queen's first eldest daughter's ball, who also, was yet to make an official connection. She was courted by many, but she hadn't fancied any. They had hoped that this one would be the time she finally decided.

Although when made, the events were usually held for one child in particular; however, the King and Queen thought it to be a chance for the others to find someone.

"Do I have to?" the youngest duck groaned sleepily, her dark hair sticking up in all directions. "Of course you do. It's tradition remember, and that means everyone has to be in it." The Queen reasoned, rubbing the drool from the corner of the little ones mouth with a small cloth. "Okay." Her youngest moped as she let her mother drag her out of bed and to the washroom to get ready.

The royal family stood on the large grand steps of the staircase, in the front corridor of the palace. Each member sporting a specially designed dress and suit, with a red-blue sash or a dazzling tiara.

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