My Sister Lover: He's My Brother

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Author Note- I'm so looking forward to T2 Trainspotting that I've had a go at a non linear narrative for My Sister Lover's squeal. Hopefully it's not confusing but at least it's not in multiple Scottish dialects/ POVs.

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A plus sign.

I never realised it could hold so much meaning until a few months ago.

First and foremost it had told me in one clear symbol that I was pregnant. That was simple, one of two outcomes every pregnancy test gives, it was everything else that I hadn't expected when I took the test in secret, in me Mum's bathroom.

My brother had lied, convinced me that this wouldn't happen. His release inside of me wouldn't get me pregnant, he promised. I trusted him, I believed he knew what he was talking about, I believed in him. Now I was left with his betrayal.

It was a one off, like it was nothing more than my aroused imagination when I'd fucked my two brothers. It was my deep, dark fantasy and for a moment, and for the days that followed it, it was our reality. It was all but forgotten and life went on as if it had never happened until I realised I'd missed my period.

There was my brother's baby inside of me and I wanted to keep it. I didn't give any thought to it. It was my baby and I was going to raise it. It wasn't like anyone'd have to know who'd gotten me pregnant.


Noel was sat flicking through an old magazine that was of no interest to him but he forced interest to pass the time.

I looked around a lot, my eyes darting around the room, reading all the posters again and again. I'd discovered they had domestic abuse helplines, STI clinics, cancer screenings, bereavement counselling... There was a clock that ticked so slow I was sure it was broken. The walls were white and grey.

I wanted to pace or at least fidget but I didn't want to draw Noel's attention or the attention of the few other women who were sat waiting. I was so nervous like I was about to get a caning from the headmaster. My heart was in my throat already.

"Mila Gallagher?" The doctor called my name.

My eyes shot towards her standing by her door, as did Noel's. I suddenly felt grounded to my seat.


I got rid of the test and decided to keep its results to myself for a while. They'd only ask questions I didn't want to answer and I didn't know where to begin telling Noel.

I was really scared of how everyone would react, especially him. I'd lie about the Dad obviously, not that they're important, they only screw you over in my experience.

I thought of everything for this perfect yet absent man like he was a character in a story. My Prince Charming.

It was easy until I got morning sickness and food aversion among other things.


The doctor sat us down and started talking to us both, thinking us a couple. Noel had taken my hand in support of after all.

"No, no, I'm her brother. I'm just here so she's not doing this alone."

She quickly apologised for the mistake before talking through the procedure and my "options".

I didn't want to hear any of it, I was tired of hearing how easy it was for them to legally kill my child.


Mam sat me down in the kitchen after I'd recovered from a particularly brutal episode of morning sickness, one I'd had no hope of hiding. She was direct as always.

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