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A/N: WOW I ACTUALLY UPDATED IT'S A MIRACLE! I'm so sorry guys!I've had like twenty ideas floating around for one story and like, half an idea for this one. But hey, I actually pulled it together! Should I make a cast for this or something??? Anyway, thanks for sticking with me. I'll go now. (Also, the above picture is dancers on top of the Eiffel Tower in 1929 and I thought it was cute.)

After dropping off my tutus and mask with Tikki, I quickly exited the opera house with the throng of other dancers. Somehow, I don't know how, Mme. Gertrude had timed everything so that all classes let out at the same time do no suspicion would be raised. If I wasn't Ladybug, I wouldn't have the faintest clue of who was. 

"Alya!" I called, seeing her red bun in the crowd. 

Alya turned and held up her phone, pointing it at me. 

"And this is my best friend Marinette, who is a flawless dancer and human being in general," Alya smiled at me before turning off her phone. "The first post of the LadyBlog should be up tonight! I have some editing to do, and a few more interviews to do, you want to come?" 

"Definitely. I just need to text my mom; I told her I would catch the bus, so I'll just catch a later one. Who are we interviewing first?" 

Alya grinned, then pulled out a list. "Nathanael, Nino, and the new kid, Adrien." 

"Where do we start?" 

"I'm going to say we start with Adrien, since he's standing right there," she gestured, pointing to Adrien who was on his phone. We started walking towards him, but before we could say anything, a certain Mayor's daughter draped herself around his shoulders. 

"Oh, Adrien, wasn't technique just awful! I thought we would never get off the barré..." 

"Actually, I kind of liked it," Adrien replied, looking up from his phone. 

"That... That's what I meant," Chloé stammered, twirling one of the few curls that weren't tied back in a bun. 

Adrien shifted uncomfortably, shrugging Chloé off. She stumbled back, her mouth wide open. 

"Adrien!" Alya called, getting his attention. "Do you have a few minutes? I wanted to talk to you about the ballet." 

"Uh, sure! What do you want to know?" 

"Well..." she started, pulling out a list. "I have a few things," she answered sheepishly. "Marinette, will you write down answers while I interview?" 

"Of yes! I mean, course me!" I paused, breathing deeply. "Yes," I finally spit out, my cheeks bright red. Why was I stammering all of a sudden? 

I took the notepad from Alya, listening intently to the questions and the answers Adrien gave. They were fairly vague, if we were being honest, but it was still going to be nice for Alya to have an inside scoop on the thoughts of the new kid. 

When we finished with Adrien, we waved goodbye and set to find Nathanael who was working on sets. We expected to find him somewhere in the workshop, but the workshop was huge, so it was going to take us forever and half of an eternity to find him. As we searched, Alya kept glancing at me from the corner of her eye like I wouldn't notice. 

"What?" I finally demanded, stopping in my tracks. 

"Oh, nothing. Just that you have a major crush on Adrien!" 

"I do not!" I protested, smacking her lightly on the shoulder. "I'm just have trouble talking today." 

"Sure," she drawled, raising an eyebrow. 

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