Chapter 2

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Well today is Tuesday and b/f/n came over to your house to help you practice since you kind of want to win and impress Brendon Urie. Of course who wouldn't want to impress him?

"Alright so which song should i play? And what instrument should i play in first?" you said

"Y/n (your name) how about you sing?" b/f/n says

"What?" you said confused

"You heard me, you should sing" b/f/n said

"But he probably just wants instrument players not singers since hes the singer" you said

"Well you should try singing too, you never know. what if he wants another singer too huh?" b/f/n said

"Well i don't know but sure i'll try singing too" you said

You sang This is Gospel to b/f/n.

"OH MY! YOU SING SO GOOD! What the heck i never heard you sing. And you sing so bootiful" b/f/n says

"Thanks but i also need to practice on playing the instruments too" you said

"Oh yeah right well start playing then" b/f/n saud

The whole day you sang and played to the whole album of A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Vices & Virtues.

"Oh god im tired" you said taking a drink of water.

"You did all of them perfect like no kidding" b/f/n said

"Your just saying that because your my best friend" you said rollinh your eyes

"I'm not lying, you can even ask your brother and your mom" b/f/n said

"They will say the same" you said with a laugh.

"Ok then u can ask anyone here in the world and they will say you did all the songs perfect" b/f/n said

"Well i doubt it but ok i'll be positive and i forgot to ask you, when is the competition?" you asked

"Oh its this sunday" b/f/n said

"THIS SUNDAY??" you said panicking

"Yeah this sunday why?" b/f/n asked

"Oh gawd i will have to practice very hard then" you said putting your hand over your head

"Remember to take breaks too" b/f/n said

"Yeah i know" you said

"Do u think i can stay here at your place for the whole week? Until the competition is over?" b/f/n asked

"Sure ill ask to make sure" you said

You ran downstairs to the kitchen where you see your mom sitting down reading a book.

"Mom is it fine if b/f/n stays over? Like for the whole week?" you asked

"Yes sweetie its fine" your mom said

"Yassss thanks mother i love ya" you said

"I love you too" she said continuing reading her book.

You went back up stairs where you saw b/f/n looking at your old pictures when you was younger.

"So what your mom say?" b/f/n asked.

"She said yes" you said.

"Yusssss, now i can help you everyday and make sure your taking breaks" b/f/n said

"Ok mom" you said sarcastically.

Since it was already night time you  both decided to sleep. Well you decided to sleep since you was much more tired than b/f/n since all she did was listen and judge.

I know sucky but i TRY I REALLY DO TRY. I'll probably do better on my next one.

Heres another picture of Brendon Boyd Urie and Josh William Dun!

Heres another picture of Brendon Boyd Urie and Josh William Dun!

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Just because you need this picture your life. ^_^

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