Chapter 41

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"I have a feeling they did plan this" b/f/n said

There was a knock on the door and brendon went to go open it and it was dallon and chris

"Heyy baby" dallon said kissing brendon

"Hello" brendon said trying to avoid Dallon's kiss

"Whats wrong baby?" dallon asked

"Come sit with me and b/f/n we need to talk to you and chris" brendon said

Dallons thoughts:
"Oh no they probably found out our plan. Shit shit shit. Uh just try changing subject dallon"

"What about?"chris asked as he sits on the couch

"All of us" b/f/n said

Chris's thoughts:
"Fuck they know"

"So did y/n actually broke up with me?" brendon asked dallon

"Yes she did and damn brendon i love what you did with your hair" dallon said

"Really? Because b/f/n told me that y/n told her that i broke up with her" brendon said

"Since when did you get this house plant?" dallon said


"Dallon its over. We found out about your plan" brendon said

"No BABY PLEASE" dallon said

"Nope its final. Im sorry but i dont love you" brendon said

"I LOVE YOU" dallon said crying and ran out of the house

"Uhh" chris said

"Chris you were also part of plan on kissing me trying to make ryan mad and break up with me so you can get back with me" b/f/n said

"Y-yeah but thats because i still love you b/f/n..." chris said

"Well again i love Ryan and only Ryan... Im sorry" b/f/n said

"But there isnt any other girl like you" chris said trying to hold b/f/n's hand

"You lost me" b/f/n said getting up and went to her room

"Sorry man" brendon said

Chris walked outside the house to look for dallon

"B/f/n! HE IS GONE NOW" brendon yelled

"Okay finally" b/f/n said

Brendon got up and clicked Stop on the hidden camera they Put

"So you think this will prove everything and make them forgive us?" b/f/n asked

"Yes this will prove everything" brendon said as he puts the camera in a bag

"So when will we talk to them?" b/f/n asked

"Tomorrow" brendon said


Chris found dallon in the park sitting alone crying

"Dallon its okay" chris said

"No it isnt! I lost the love of my life" dallon cried

"Shh its okay" chris said

"It isnt..." dallon said

Chris's thoughts:
"What do i do? S-should i kiss him? No im not gay... But Dallon isnt that bad... He is cute... Stop chris your not gay!"

Chris kissed dallon and dallon kissed back

"Wait" dallon said as he pulls away from the kiss

"W-what?" chris said

"Your not gay..." dallon said

"But i will be gay for you" chris said

Dallon blushed

"Well i finally found someone" dallon said

Dallon leaned over for another kiss


"Are you over brendon yet?" ryan asked as he turns on the tv

"No are you over b/f/n?" you said hanging upside down on the couch

"No..." ryan said

There was an awkward silence

"We should go back to Brendon's house tomorrow" you said breaking the silence

"But we are not over them" ryan said

"We can pretend we are over them like nothing happened" you said

"Okay tomorrow morning we leave" ryan said turning off the tv and went to bed

"Your sleeping already?" you asked

"Well yeah so time can pass to tomororw morning. I really want to see b/f/n" ryan said

"True im also going to bed too" you said getting up

Should i make another story?

Heres a picture of Brendon and Spencer

Heres a picture of Brendon and Spencer

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