Chapter 28

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You got done packing your stuff and b/f/n and Ryan came over

"Thanks for letting us in Rebecca" ryan said entering your house

"I miss you so much Ryan!" your Mom said hugging him

"Heres Dottie Rebecca" b/f/n said holding dottie

"AW AND YOU BROUGHT DOTTIE WITH YOU" your mom said grabbing Dottie

"Dottie?" your dad questioned

"Yeah the dog we kept and gave to Ryan" your mom said

"Nice to meet you Sir im y/n's friend, Ryan" ryan said shaking his hand

"And im b/f/n, y/n's best friend" b/f/n shaking your dad name

"Nice to meet you two" your dad said

"Ayee Ryan and b/f/n" brendon greeted them with a hug

"What did your parents say b/f/n?" you asked

"They said its fine" b/f/n said

"Are you guys done packing?" brendon asked

"Im done" b/f/n said

"I could say im done but is Dottie aloud to come?" ryan said

"Umm" brendon said

"DOTTIE CAN STAY WITH US" your mom yelled

"Of course not Rebecca The dog can't stay" your dad said

"Ugh" your Mom said

"Yeah its fine you can take Dottie" Brendon said

"Thank you lets go to my house" ryan said


"Okay Dottie can stay for now" your mom said

You and brendon went in Brendon's car and b/f/n and ryan went on Ryan's car and drove off to Ryan's house


"Do you know what to do now?" dallon asked chris

"Yeah i know what to do" chris said

"Okay what i just told you we are going to do it in Las Vegas not here in LA" dallon said driving

"Where we going?" chris asked looking out the car window

"We going to your house, you need to pack" dallon said

"Oh yeah i forgot to pack" chris said

Then they arrived at your house and entered and went to chris's room

"So what do i bring?" chris asked

"Clothes" dallon said

"No shit Sherlock but what else" chris said

"Anything you need" dallon said sitting down on Chris's bean bag chair

"Okay" chris said getting clothes from his closet

Your dad enters chris's room

"Chris i need you to keep an eye on Y/n and please make sure she isnt doing anything bad and make sure Urie is taking good care of her" your dad said to chris

"Got it dad" Chris said

"Thank you and Dallon i trust you so you do the same by looking out for y/n" your dad said to dallon

"Yes sir" dallon said

Your dad got out of the room and went to work

"So your dad Trusts me but not Brendon" dallon said laughing

"He Doesnt like Brendon" chris said putting his clothes in his bag


"I forgot to pack Dottie's stuff" ryan said while he facepalm himself

"Ill pack for Dottie" b/f/n said kissing ryan

"Thanks" ryan said kissing back

B/f/n went to pack dottie's stuff

"So what are the plans for today?" you asked

"Oh yeah changing plans we leave tomorrow early morning" brendon said

"For today we can go to the mall and buy stuff we need" ryan said

"Shopping?" you asked

"Yeah but i dont call it that" ryan said

"Only girls say that" Brendon said

Your rolled your eyes and b/f/n comes back with dottie's stuff packed amd ready

"Dottie's things are ready" b/f/n said

"Thanks" ryan said kissing b/f/n

"Get a room you two" Brendon said covering his eyes with his hands

"You act like you never do this but you do it alot with y/n" b/f/n said

You and Brendon blushed

"Well lets go now, we can all go on my car" Brendon said taking out his keys

Ryan and b/f/n sat on the back seats
And you and Brendon in front

You turned the radio on and Miss Jackson came on

"THIS! THIS IS MY SONG" brendon screamed like a fangirl


"ARE YOU NASTY" you yelled

And all four of you screamed the song lyrics with the windows down so everybody can hear it

Then you guys arrived at the mall and song was over

I dont like the new wattpad update ;-;

Heres a picture of Brendon and Sarah

Heres a picture of Brendon and Sarah

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