Chapter 2

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Chiyuki slipped off my limp body, and stood up with a horrified look plastered onto her pale face. 

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice shouted.                                                                                             "I,I-" Chiyuki managed before the voice interrupted her.                                                                                    "Leave. I knew you humans shouldn't be trusted," The voice said sternly, before I realized that the owner of the deep voice was Ginti. I propped myself onto my elbows, watching Chiyuki leave the room quietly. As soon as she left, the red-haired arbiter hurried to me, kneeling beside my exposed self. "Decim, Decim, are you okay?" he murmured while picking my crumpled body of the floor. I blushed, flustered at how close we were. We locked eyes, losing myself in the deep shade of blue. His sharp facial features seemed to soften. Suddenly all the emotions I had built up inside of me for decades escaped. I nuzzled my face into his neck, not allowing him to see my tears. "Hey Decim, what's wrong?" Ginti asked worriedly, placing me onto one of the bar stools. Should I tell him about my feelings? I could never do that, it would just hurt him. "I'm just shocked at what she was trying to do," I managed to mumble. 

The truth is that I have had strong feelings for Ginti since we were twelve years old, there's just something about him, his gorgeous eyes? Or his beautifully arched eyebrows? Maybe his sarcastic humor? Could it possibly be the fact that he always has a soft spot for me? I may never know unless I tell him about my emotions. The problem is, arbiters can never fall in love, especially two of the same gender. I was taught that arbiters are made to judge, not to love. I was also taught that homosexuality is wrong, and that when judging a pair, picking the heterosexual out of the both was right. Even if the gay had done nothing wrong and the straight had eaten orphans for dinner in his past life, homosexuality is always wrong.

"Okay, do you need anything Decim? Do you want to talk about it?" Ginti asked, his eyes flooded with worry for his childhood friend. "I'm just, still shocked. I never expected that out of her," I explained, still shaken after the event that took place. I wanted to take a shower, it felt like Chiyuki's slimy fingers were still on me.                                                                                                        "Never trust humans Decim. They are a foolish species, they don't know what trust means, what respect is. I'll make sure to tell Nona about this, she'll send the bitch to the Void for sure,"    I flinched when Ginti called Chiyuki a bitch, and he seemed to notice. "Decim, I didn't mean it. I'm just angry at her. No one deserves to be hurt like that," Ginti said softly. "especially you," he added quietly, causing me to flush all shades of red.



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