Back in Time

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(Eclipse's P.O.V)

I shivered . I knew no one loved me. No one would. I cried.

(Light's P.O.V)

"I can't believe he left!" I thought. Zap looked up. He looked around. He eyed Shine." You ok?" Zap said. Shine looked at Zap. She nodded. Then suddenly a out burst of energy hit me, making me fly." Ahh!" I yelled. I landed on a locker. I saw Zap and Shine got hit as well. I looked at the menace. He looked similar to Eclipse.

The Dark Shadow shot another energy ball at Zap. Zap ducked in time. He ran at the shadow. The Shadow used his powers to move Zap and make him hit a metal door." Oi! Mate what ya doin?" He said sounding Australian. The door shot open. Eclipse came out. Flare came out too. They both used a move and it collided. Zap looked at the beam. He had an idea." I know!" He said shocking it." Light shock it!" He said. I shot a thundershock at the beam. It went off hitting the Dark Shadow. He used something odd. Then suddenly everything went white.

I open my eyes seeing a beam getting) shot at me. My eyes widened. Then I heard a voice following a push. I saw Eclipse. The beam missed. The glaceon angrily came out on Eclipse shooting Ice Beam at him. He dodged it easily. He stepped back." I don't hurt girls." He said steping back. She smiled." Well you'll die then." She said. Eclipse jumped back from the reply. She ran at him using Bite. Then suddenly a slice came. When all of us opened are eyes a shiny Charmander was there with a bright claws in the glaceon's mouth. He pushed back the glaceon. The glaceon ran away. The charmander looked at us." Do you know what's happening?" He asked us. We shook our heads." You see, you went back in time. But don't worry, I'm a time traveler as well as a pikachu named Zap." He informed." What!" Eclipse said." Zap is a time traveler." He said in disbelief. Soul took them into the future.

"I'm Soul. Nice to meet you." He said." I'm Eclipse." Eclipse said." I'm Light." I said." Wait THE ECLIPSE AND LIGHT! Your super famous in the future!" Soul exclaimed." What year?" Eclipse asked." 2020." Soul replied." Eclispe, your the champion. Light your the Kalos Queen. You guys leave to Kalos.

Italics are people saying stuff that happened in the past. Bold is stuff in the future and normal letters are stuff in the present.

"You guys need to go back to 2017." Soul said." Follow me guys. TAKE US BACK TO 2017!" Soul yelled. Then we suddenly came back to the present.

"We are back in the present." Soul said." Zap everyone we are okay!" I yelled. They looked at us and ran to us. They hugged me while Eclipse was talking to Zap about time travel. I looked at Soul. He watched the sky." Why is the sun down? When we were outside before all this mess happened it was sunny." I asked." You see time travel doesn't stop time." He said." Oh." I said.

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