Newfound Feelings

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Third Person POV

How dare she manipulate his emotions like this! Oh, how he hated that girl! Emotions such as the ones that he were experiencing were a weakness in his eyes. Feelings such as this had left him brittle and hollow in his past life. How foolish would he be if he let such emotions control him again?

His heart was impenetrable and heavily guarded, so how had she gotten past its barriers? This question frequently appeared in his thoughts day after day.

How could anyone possibly care for Peter Pan? The fact that no one had cared when he needed them to left him bitter and with a heart of stone. How quaint.

He didn't want her pity, he didn't desire for her to dote over him as if he were a small, attention hungry child. He despised her for stimulating such an internal conflict within himself.

He yearned for the days when he was in control of every single aspect of his life. When everything seemed to fall into place for him. Now everything was extremely complex and he absolutely loathed it.

She had unintentionally wrestled the control of his life from him. He had struggled to acquire control of his existence all of his life, and she had procured it effortlessly. How could one possibly call that fair?

Now everything was unpredictable, which was an extremely foreign feeling to him.

He would not trust her, nor would he love her. Doing these things in the past had resulted in his downfalls, and he wasn't one to make the same error more than once.

Perhaps there was an incantation that he could chant to make the familiarity of his life return, and the newfound emotions disperse. He knew that he probably wouldn't be finding one anytime soon.

It would all pass, it had to. These feelings must have been temporary. They simply would not last. Hopefully.

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