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Third Person POV

Peter was confounded. He had never seen such stubbornness in anyone other than himself. He'd never witnessed so much durability in a person.

It seemed that she was unbreakable, and that alone was enough to infuriate him.

She greatly contrasted to the weakling that he initially thought that she was. She actually had a backbone, much to his chargin.

She refused to submit to his will. She argued with him almost daily, refusing to yield to his command.

Why couldn't she just give in?

He expected her to be more difficult to break than others. After all, she had evaded them all for weeks, and she had even injured some who had attempted to capture her.

He never expected her to be this strong, this resilient. Whenever he attempted to detour her, she just came back stronger.

This truly puzzled him. He'd never dealt with someone as resistant and unwilling as she. She was an anomaly.

He wanted her to be broken. He desired to see her groveling at his feet, begging for mercy. It seemed that this scenario would never become a reality.

He considered killing her, but that would just mean that she had won. She'd probably throw in one last sly comment before her heart stopped.

He wouldn't give up, even though it was becoming apparent that he wouldn't break her, and probably never would.

His own stubbornness just wouldn't allow him to admit defeat. To give into the prospect of failure.

As much as he hated to admit it, he was going to fail, and they both knew it.

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