Desarays Dream World

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"Hey Alex how was your day at the studio?"
"It was fine I hope you don't mind but I brought the boys with me."
"No I don't mind at all I was just getting really to cuddle and watch whatevers on the TV."
"Ohh cool I call dibs on cuddling with Alex."
"Umm Jack how about I cuddle with my girlfriend Desaray?"
" It is thought we were a thing you know Jalex."
"Fine you can be on my other side."
"Yay." Jack shouts.
Rian and Zack just sit down on the floor and turn on the TV and Desaray and Alex bring in some food. After a few hours go by everyone but Jack leaves.
"So what are the three of us doing tonight?" Jack asks Desaray and Alex.
"Well we are going to bed and you can sleep out here on the couch."
"But why can't I get to sleep in the bed too?" Jack whined.
"Because that's where Desaray and I sleep."
"But but Jalex."
"But but my and my real girlfriend who I'm dating and has been dating for 2 years now."
"Pshh who cares."
"Umm hello Jack I'm right here in can hear you and I care about my relationship with Alex."
Alex pulls Desaray close and kisses her a warm summer time kiss. "I love you too beautiful." Alex whispers in my ear.

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