Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

It has been two weeks since Wyatt started school. It's so much fun to hang out with him. It is almost incredible that in so little time I can feel so comfortable with him and confident that he's trust worthy. We've studied together a few times. Everything's been perfectly fine. Today I was in my locker changing my books. I decided to organize the mess that I had in my locker. If I don't do it now, my books will fall on me the next time I open it. I laughed at the embarrassment I would feel if the image of the books falling on me in my head came to life. I was still organizing my locker when I heard Patrick calling for me.

"Hey, P! What's up?" I asked noticing his obvious excitement.

"Dad has a business trip tomorrow and mom's gonna visit Kevin in New York." Patrick's dad is an important music manager and he travels a lot working with many famous artists. His mom stays home since they don't really need the extra money and she wanted to stay home until both her kids were in college. Kevin, Patrick's older brother, studies in New York so his mom goes to visit him every now and then. "You know what that means, right?"

"PAAAARRRTTYYYYY!!!!!" we screamed together in excitement. Patrick's house is huge! When we say party, we mean PARTY! The best thing is that we all stay over in his house when the party's over and everyone leaves and the only ones left are the girls, the boys and me. Let's just call it the squad. [lol]

When we screamed that in the hallway everybody looked at us and when they saw Patrick they screamed as well. "woooooooooohhhoooooo!!!!" Some professors came out of their classrooms to tell us to shut up. Everybody knows about Patrick's parties so we only ever have to say it once. The word runs and in no time, everyone knows.

Krys came running with JJ by her side.

"We heard! This time I'm gonna take my revenge on Andy!! Now he'll be the one that spends all day getting pizza out of his hair!" we laughed at JJ's serious and malicious look and tone.

"Hey guys! Is it true about this party I keep hearing about?" I turned around to find that handsome guy that has had me pulling my hairs out these past two weeks: Wyatt. "I've been hearing about it since I got here! 'hey, party at Patrick's!' 'Agh I wish my parties were like that!' 'P's parties are the bests!'" he said faking a women's voice and we all laughed.

"Trust me, you do not want to miss out on this!" I said smiling.

"If you're going, I sure won't." he said. He made me blush a little but I made it disappear as soon as I could. I looked around me and the whole 'squad' was waiting for my answer. JJ and Krys shoot me a look that said: 'If you don't go, we're burying you alive'.

"Yes! Of course I'm going..." I said finally. "I never miss P's parties." Wyatt smiled at me while JJ and Krys informed me that we were going shopping after school. So much fun (please note the sarcasm). I hate going shopping... I never know what to buy! Unless... "ANDY!! You're coming with us, right?!" I asked with my puppy eyes mixed with a look that said: 'please save me'.

"How am I gonna leave my little sis to make such decisions alone?" he answered and put an arm around me. "She's so good picking clothe that she's capable of buying a Halloween costume for a Christmas party." He told Wyatt who was looking a little serious before Andy's joke brought his smile back.

Wyatt had been a little weird whenever Andy was too close to me. Maybe it's me trying to create a little hope from nothing but I always notice his serious face or how he looks away when Andy hugs me. I'm probably driving myself crazy. The last bell rang and everyone was setting plans to get drinks and other things for the party. In my case, I was going shopping. Wyatt finished making the plans with the boys and grabbed my free arm and started spinning me and playfully dancing a little while taking me to my last class. His arm was strong and warm. He seemed to have a fever. Once we got to the door he let go of my arm before going inside the classroom.

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