Chapter 18 : Secrets

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Dan's POV

The air is tense, Phil looks troubled with his brows furrowed; and looking down at his feet. I try to find the words to comfort him, but it's no use.
So I just look out the window.
Phil: " D.Dan..."
I turn around and see him fiddling with the stray threads at the ends of his sleeves.
Dan: " hmm?"
I look into his eyes for a couple of seconds, then Phil looks away.
Phil: " There's something I need to tell you."
Dan: " What is it?" I ask gently, trying to comfort him.
Taking a deep breath Phil turns around and looks at his sleeves.
Phil: " I... I relapsed."
Dan: " Phil... what do mean by relapsed. What have you done?"
I go to put my hand on his shoulder but he shakes it off.
Phil:" I c.cut myself."
Phil gasps, choking on those bitter words.
Phil: " I'm sorry. I couldn't stop my-
Before he could finish I rap my arms around him and hold him tight, feeling him shake uncontrollably; as he bursts into a sobbing mess.
I lift him onto my lap and cradle him, feeling his muscles loosen I weaken my grip.
Phil: " I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just... I was scared you would leave me."
He looks up at me sadly with misty, tired eyes.
Dan: " can I see?"
I worry about how deep he's gone, what if they're really bad? What if they need stitches?
Phil nods, then slowly lifts up his sleeves to reveal deep, scabby gashes all up his arms.
They look as they they were done this morning, or maybe last night.
Feeling a wave of guilt wash over me, I lift Phil off my lap, and go down stairs into the kitchen.
Grabbing the antiseptic cream and bandages, I try to take in the whole situation.
I head back upstairs and sit next to the confused Phil.
Dan: " Can I see them again please?" He hesitantly gives me his arms , and I start to apply the cream.
He winces a couple of times, but I try to be gentile.
After applying the bandages I carefully pull down his sleeves, and let him lean into me.
Phil: " Thank you."
Dan: " I'm always here for you, never forgot that... okay?"
Phil: " okay." He yawns and starts to slowly drift off in my arms.
After awhile I start to drift off as well falling into a deep slumber.

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