Only One

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It was the end.

Yesman? Missing.

Hocus? Missing.

The rest of us?


Yesman's secret was out.

He did what he did to Willow, but to other people.. UNWILLINGLY.

And now here they stood, in police custody, getting scanned to see if they were one of the 'victims'.

Willow held Walkie's hand, and squeezed it.

"It'll be alright, Walkie. I promise you, I'm going to make them see. You guys are innocent, I know that. I'll make them see that." She whispered.

"Hey, you! No talking!" A Surenderen snapped at Willow.

They scanned Trickster, and the man with the scanner frowned and shook his head, and a Surenderen took the bot out of the room, to a room that said 'Holding Cell - ROBOTS'.

They scanned Bernard, and the man scanning him frowned worriedly, before scanning him again.

A solemn look to the man standing behind him, and a slow nod. A human cop led the clown out of the room, to an interrogation room.

Candlechoir went to the holding cell, followed by Dinero, whom Walkie let out a loud whine at.

"DineRo!" Walkie cried out, reaching out, only for Willow to pull their handcuffed arms down.

"It'll be alright, Walkie. I've had this a long time coming." He said with a wink as he was led off, trying to reassure the childlike bot.

It didn't.

Willow squeezed Walkie's hand again and hummed a soothing tune to calm the bot.

It worked, sorta.

Cutlass sneered at the man scanning her, arms crossed.

She glared daggers into the Surenderen as he led her to the holding cell.

With Dotty and her little one, it was off to the Interrogation Room.

Lucy whined as she was scanned and led to the holding cell.

Since Pocus was an animal, they just put Pocus in a kennel and took him into the interrogation room.

Walkie was scanned, and Willow gave a sad look as they were led off to the holding cell, shaking.

Willow was scanned, and they led her off to the interrogation room.

'I promise, I'll save you all.' Willow thought determinedly.

- - -


After all of the pleading, and negotiating she did...


She could only save one.

"Let me see them, please. I need to discuss this with them."

Because she didn't want to save a robot, only to have them be miserable with being the only one left.

The only one, other than her.

The rest of the converted robots had opted to be deactivated.

The pain they felt was too unbearable.

Willow hurt too, but Willow would not be silenced. They refused to be deactivated.

They begged, they pleaded..

And, because she was 'a victim'...

They let her choose to continue living as a robot.

- - -

"I tried my best, guys. I really did." She said softly.

The bots looked saddened, but they expected this.

"They're only letting me save one of you guys."

Heads shot up.

"WHAT?" A collective question, full of disbelief mixed with a small spark of hope.

"I can only save one."

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