Deep Down

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I'd rather not go into the details of how we were rescued by this brave woman. But we were rescued.

Here we were, in the back of this woman's grey van, high-tailing it out of the city. As if by some miracle, the highway wasn't busy, and we were able to get out of the city with little trouble. Almost three hours passed, before we left the highway. We were in the middle of nowhere, and it was dark now. She just suddenly turned onto a side-road, and started driving down a gravel road.

We continued down this road for almost fifteen minutes, before she turned left, off the road, into the trees. We were completely off-roading it, into the forest.

At night.

"Where are we going?" I asked, for the fourth time. I wanted more information than-

"Somewhere you two'll be safe." 

I wanted more information than that, but the woman didn't seem to be willing to share that.

The woman made the truck make a sharp right as they passed a large boulder, causing me and Lucy to slide on the van's metal floor. Lucy let out a squeak of surprise at it, and I pat her mane softly.

"How far away are we?" I asked.

"Close." Came her curt response. Fifteen minutes later, the van made another sharp turn left after a large tree, and continued through the forest for five more minutes.

Suddenly, she braked the van, and pulled the van into park, and cut the ignition.

"We're here."

The woman grabbed a flashlight, left the van, and opened the back of the van.

"C'mon. Let's go." She said, ushering us out of the van. We clambered out, and nervously followed the woman into the forest. The woman walked right into what seemed to be a wall of foliage, before she disappeared.

I stood there, a little flabbergasted, before slowly trying to follow. I took one step into the wall of foliage, and found that there was nothing for my foot to step on.

I tried to propel back, but I couldn't.


I ended up falling down this long staircase in the middle of nowhere, underground.

Yeah, that kinda hurt.

Lucy just stuck her face through the foliage first, saw the stairs, and pranced down the stair like a smart robot.

God, I'm a klutz.

The woman held a hand out to help me up, and helped pull me up. After I was back on my feet, we were led down this underground hallway. It was pitch-black, save for the flashlight beam that illuminated the way.

Eventually the woman stopped, and turned left down another short hallway that led to a ominous-looking, metal door. She reached for something from around her neck. One of three keys that were on a chain around her neck. She unlocked the door, and held it open, motioning us to go first, down yet another long flight of stairs. We did, and the woman followed us, and closed the door after crossing the threshold, locking the door behind her.

She went back to leading us, moving to the front, her flashlight beam the only light as we journeyed down to what seemed the center of the Earth. Eventually  we could see the bottom. There was a faint light there. It looked like it was coming from behind another creepy metal door.

As we stopped in front of it, the woman pulled out yet another key. A different one this time. Then she opened the door, and ushered us into the illuminated room, closing and locking it behind her.

We walked in, and looked around. The walls gave the converted robot a sense of an underground bunker, but the set up of the room gave the bot a homey feeling. It looked almost like a lounge, the set up.

There was a TV by a table and booth, and there was a bot there fiddling with something. Actually, there was a handful of bots scattered around the large room.

The converted robot was about to look away from the TV when she saw her own face plastered on the screen. 'WARNING: DANGER TO HUMANITY' The label below her picture read. Then they showed an image of Lucy, with the same message.

"But... We're not a danger to humanity. We're innocent!" I said, confusion in my voice. The woman only sighed and shook her head.

"The government thinks anything that they can't control, or is confusing... Is better off destroyed, as to not worry the people. You were supposed to be destroyed. You escaped. So they'll label you as rouge." The woman shakes her head. "It's stupid. Anyways, now that you're safe, I can relax. My name is Venelop. It's nice to meet you..." She trailed off, apparently unsure as to what their names were.

"My name is Wyn. And this here is Lucy." The converted robot spoke, shaking Venelop's outstretched hand. "Thank you for saving us."

"It was nothing." Venelop said, shaking it off.

Meanwhile, when the converted robot first began to speak after entering the shelter, a robot who was sitting in the corner of the shelter snapped their eyes open, and was rushing towards the group.

"Wyn?? Lucy??" The robot called out, both in relief and shock.

Lucy, upon recognizing the other robot, bounded over, and squeaked happily, circling the other robot happily and rubbing against them.

The converted robots eyes widened.

"H-Hocus!" She said, overwhelmed with happiness. She lunged for the robot magician and hugged them tightly.

"Omigod, Hocus, it's you! I thought I'd never see you again!"

It was a happy reunion for the circus bots.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2017 ⏰

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