Happy Birthday

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“Happy Birthday dear sister,” my youngest older brother stepped out of his room as I did, the day I turned 16 years old. No longer a child, except to my father.

“Thank-you Stefan,” I curtsied lightly. He always tried to make my birthday feel better. It was the day my mother died as she died only minutes after I was born. Today was the day we would all visit the small cemetery on the edge of town.

“How are you today Miss Nellie?” Nancy has been with me since I was only an hour old. She was like my mother.

“As well as can be expected,” I answered truthfully as she gently pulled me into my room to do my hair exactly how my mom loved hers. It was a yearly tradition; she pulled it to the side tightly and braided it, letting it fall in front of my left shoulder. I had long brown hair, just like my mother’s was. I shared my green eyes with her also.

“Are you decent my Nellie?” my father knocked softly on my door.

“Yes Father. Please come in,” I said. I slid from the chair that I sat in for Nancy to do my hair.

“You look lovely,” he kissed my hand. 

“Thank you Father,” I smiled.

“More and more like your mother each day,” he said almost inaudibly. I smiled at him. 

“I have a surprise for you,” he said louder. I linked my arm with his and we went down the stairs. I my oldest older brother was standing, talking to Stefan.

“Nellie, great to see you again.” I managed to take my arm out of my father’s gently and walk up to Damon.

“I’ve missed you Damon.” he lightly kissed the top of my hand in response.

“I have breakfast ready,” Anna announced from the kitchen. We all went in and sat down at the table. We had a filling meal before walking out to the wagon and going to the cemetery.

“Dear Nellie, I’m afraid I forgot to tell you before. Happy Birthday,” Damon said to me. I knew he was the most affected by our mother’s death. He was the oldest child, at a young age of eight he remembers it all, at three short years old Stefan barely remembers and at one day old I, obviously, remembered nothing.

“Thank you Brother,” I responded to him. 

“Children, I have an announcement,” Father spoke up, “We have a lovely woman from Georgia coming to stay with us indefinitely as her parents were recently killed in a house fire.” 

“When will she be coming?” I asked, having another woman in the house had it’s appeals for me.

“Within 7 days.” he answered me before we stopped and the driver opened the door for us.

“Happy Birthday Miss Nellie,” he nodded his head at me.

“Thank you,” I curtsied lightly. I knew the way to my mother’s gravesite like the back of my hand. We each said a few words and placed flowers on top of her gravestone. 

“I wish I knew you mom,” I said simply. 

“She was wonderful, you would’ve loved her,” Damon responded. He was the one most affected, as he was oldest when I was born. 

“I wish I remembered you mama,” Stefan added forlornly. It was silent after the affair.

“Come children, crying is for the weak. We will go home and act as if nothing has changed,” Father wanted to avoid anymore spilled tears. 

“Of coarse Father,” I consented. Stefan followed instantly, as he wished to respect Father as much as I did while Damon held off. 

“Come Damon, there is no need for us here any longer.” I touched his arm gently. He nodded stiffly and followed me to the carriage.

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