Harry Potter Is Serious Business

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"Jo what Hogwarts house are you in?" Lucifer asked the blond casually as she sat across from him in the living rooms armchair, 

"I'm a Slytherin why?" Jo asked raising a eyebrow just as Micheal walked into the room

"Same here...Gabriel and Balthazar are the only other Slytherins in this house so welcome" Lucifer said looking up to see Micheal "Oh Hi babe!" 

"Lucifer what are you doing?" 

"Asking your sisters girlfriend what Hogwarts house she's in duh" Lucifer said rolling his eyes not even noticing Anna sneak up and Steal Jo away, 

"And why where you doing that exactly?" Micheal asked pinching the bridge of his nose which made Lucifer shrug, 

"Gabe, Balthazar and I are the only Slytherins...so why not?" Lucifer said and Micheal raised a eyebrow at him 

"You do know that the chances of her being a Slytherin was one in four correct? or she could have not been a fan of harry potter" 

Lucifer actually looked amused at that one "If she wasn't a fan then why was she wearing a harry potter hoodie?"

"I don't know if your name is Lucifer or Sherlock" Micheal muttered just as Gabriel walked downstairs wearing a Slytherin scarf and tugging Castiel and Balthazar along both wearing their house scarves, 

"Where are you three going?" Micheal asked nodding towards the two Slytherins trying to drag a Gryffindor out of the house while two Hufflepuffs walked down the stairs behind them, 

"Sam and Dean are having a Soccer match at the schools field" Adam explained trying to fix Samandriel's yellow scarf 

"So why the Hogwarts scarves?" Micheal asked and Gabriel grinned at him 

"Because oh dear brother It's Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff and before you ask why the Slytherins and Gryffindor are going its cause Cassie needs to cheer on his boyfriend and I wanna see Dean get his ass kicked" 

"Ravenclaw is playing huh?" Micheal asked as Gabriel finally managed to drag his brothers and Adam out of the house and Lucifer grinned up at him 

"So since your house is playing can we go?" Lucifer asked grinning as his boyfriend went into his small bedroom retrieving a bronze and gold scarf and a silver and green one tossing the latter at Lucifer nodding, 

"Get your cunning ass off the couch we have a match to watch"

All Lucifer could do was grin widely as he wrapped the scarf around his neck before he was dragged out the door by his boyfriend. 

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