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Ebony Noire.


She's lived for 24 years.

"Mom, wait up! You're walking too fast!"

It's November 29, 1998.

'I can't see her anymore...'

Ebony looked around and spotted a door, she ran up to it and peeked inside. She whispered,


The lights turned off and the walls crumbled. An ocean of blood is all it was now, the house in which she grew up was gone. Ebony ran to her mother and checked her pulse, the little girl refused to show weakness.

Ebony's mother died when she was 9.

"She's gone kiddo."

"You're never going to see her again."

The red eyes spoke to her, deep inside Ebony, something started to grow. Was it fear? Perhaps the hunger for revenge? Or maybe a desire for death that she herself was unaware of.

"You killed her, didn't you?"

"Want to know how she felt?"

"I will kill you."

"Go get her boys."

She could feel red eyes' devilish grin and as he disappeared that feeling turned to pain. She felt an invisible force gnawing at her. The pain grew, her tears fell, her blood flowed, and she screamed for someone. For anyone. After that she was alone in the darkness, her thoughts driving her insane.

Ebony woke up screaming. Her eyes flashed red as she did, but she was oblivious to that. She hadn't known what was happening to her, not yet.


Hoila this is another book that I shall attempt to write but updates will be like random and very slow because I am horrible at writing so yeah. Don't hate me if this book sucks and tell me if they're are any grammatical errors, thank youuu (-:

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