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November, 1998

The sun rose and people started to wake, except for Ebony. She had been awake for days. Every time she dreamt of the night her mother died, she could not sleep for days because of the fear of seeing it again and her obsession for revenge. Eyes as red as blood and voice as deep as an empty void... it was all imprinted into her heart. She tried talking to the police but they didn't believe her. Everyone in town thought she was nothing but a loon only because they were unaware of the supernatural.

Ebony had very few visitors, once in a while her friend Jasper would pass by and more than often Mya would. Today was a day where they both happened to visit. A knock sounded from the door and Ebony growled, some would say she's like an animal but she was actually a very secluded individual. Once a harder knock resounded, she walked towards the door and opened it. She then walked back and sat back down.

"How many years has it been since you went outside?" Mya said looking to see if she could tidy anything up.

"I went out to buy food last week." Ebony responded when the clearing of a throat interrupted her.

"Actually, I was the one who brought you the food, I even cooked for you and did your laundry. I mean if you won't go outside then at least keep your own house clean." Jasper stared at the petite girls.

"Why don't you guys just move in if you're so worried."

"Maybe we will." The shortest gal answered.

Ebony slumped back into her chair and closed her eyes. 'I'll go out once I have a clue to find him.' She thought to herself as both of her friends blabbered on. Jasper snapped his fingers near her ear.

"I don't know why we're dealing with you." he sighed and took his usual spot on the dinner table.

"Once I have a lead, I'll be out and about."Ebony mumbled.

"Ebony, he is not real." Mya continued.

"You're ruining your life over a figment of your imagination and it kills me to see you like this. What will you get from your so called 'revenge'? He is not real."

"That's what you think."

"That's what everybody thinks!"

"I know the truth, though! I saw him with my own two eyes! I'm not lying, why does everyone think I'm lying!" Ebony cried out.

"I'm not crazy! This is reality, it might not be yours but it's my reality! You can believe whatever you want so let me do the same. Let me believe in this."

Frustrated, Mya walked off to the kitchen. Jasper on the other hand, looked back and forth between Ebony and where Mya once was. He sighed and patted her shoulder on his way to the kitchen. Ebony scrunched up her nose angry at herself, she made the only people that cared for her, feel hurt. Instead of getting up and going after her two friends she kept sitting and continued with her research. Hearing the whisper yells Of Mya and Jasper, Ebony moved to her room.

Jasper returned from the kitchen to find that the girl had disappeared to her room. Mya slowly followed behind him as the two walked to her bedroom. Ebony heard they're footsteps and prepared herself to be scolded. Instead, the two walked through the door and embraced her. Tears formed in her eyes and she hugged them back. Sometimes she thought she should give up and live her life but every time she dreamt of that night, her resolve only got stronger. As much as she wanted to be happy a feeling inside of her, something like a craving, wouldn't allow her to.

"I'm sorry." she mumbles.


After days and days of trying to persuade Ebony to go out, Mya and Jasper succeeded. Ebony finally gave into their please and showered, tied her hair up into a ponytail, and sprayed something/anything that smelled decent onto herself. After months of staying inside, she finally stepped out her door. The sun felt way to bright for her, the birds were too loud. Everything was to vibrant, had the world not gotten the message of her dread. Even though the weather bothered her, she couldn't help but smile. Ebony felt so fresh for once as if she could breathe properly.

"I hate it," she continued,

"But it's nice." Ebony smiled.

Jasper always had and unusual attraction to the girl, seeing her smile after such a long time made him euphoric. They had known each other during the time her mother was alive and she was always an honest girl. She smiled and hated negativity. If she ever heard the word 'hate', she would become sad. Now, the only word she could think of was hate and many of its synonyms. Mya and Ebony we're sisters since birth, both girls had different mothers but were as close as sisters. Ebony's mother was always vanishing to places for weeks, she was always mysterious yet Ebony herself never had a doubt in her mind that she would come back. Her father had left them but Ebony was grateful for that. She wouldn't have become the positive person she was if it weren't for that.

Mya showed a smile of her own after Ebony's. It was a smile of relief. She wanted to believe Ebony about the theories of her mother's death but couldn't. She knew how much she cared for her mother and her death might have triggered crazy thoughts. Mya couldn't do anything about it since it would always end in an argument.

"Let's go eat at the diner." She offered.

Jasper and Ebony nodded. Mya grabbed both of her friends by their hands and dragged them off swiftly. Stomachs grumbling, the three plopped down into a booth and grabbed their menus.

"I want waffles, fries, a beer, a burger, some fried chicken..." Jasper continued on.

"If you want that much then you'll be paying." Mya laughed

"Whoever orders the most will pay." she said.

"I just want a glass of milk." Ebony cut in.

"Don't you want to eat something?" she replied.

"No, I'm fi-"

Ebony stopped mid-sentence after hearing the words 'red eyed demon' from behind her. She turned around in a snap, surprisingly not getting whiplashed, and stared with her eyes wide open.

"What...what did you say?" she whispered.

Two young men turned and stared back at her.

"...Nothing?" the taller one answered.

"We're part of a satanic cult. I don't think a sweet girl like you would, you know... want to get involved with that." the other one said chuckling awkwardly.

The taller of the two, Jasper, Mya and Ebony gave each other the weirdest looks. Even the boy's friend didn't believe his excuse.

"Sorry, uhh we've got to go." the long haired fella said in attempt to change the topic.

Communicating through eye contact, they both nodded and started gathering their things. They got up and speed walk to the door but before they could step out, Ebony had grabbed ahold of the shorter boy's sleeve.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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