Part I

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Author's Note: Quick shot. So... I already did fluffy one-shots. Even sexy one-shots. I just wanna try the feels field. Hahahaha. This just came to me while I was stuck in the hospital. Just imagine you're the one talking here. xD Also, please be informed that Akashi in this fan fiction never exchanged places with Akashi v2. 

Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basket and its characters.

Warnings: I don't know... cheesiness? Grammar error. Akashi is possibly OOC. Tying hard feels XD Character death 


Part I


"You've caught my interest, “those were the lines from a certain redhead that started it all.

Back in middle school, I've always been the type to stay out from the spotlight and hated attention. That's why I never really thought that someone like him would fall for me. He, who excels in everything. He, who have always been perfect.

He is Akashi Seijuro.

On first impression, I'm sure you're going to say he's cold and intimidating. I won't argue with that. But you know, behind those personalities, he's warm and kind. That's the reason, I fell for him hard.

We graduated middle school and attended the same high school together.  And along the run of our relationship, it was unavoidable for others to be jealous of us. Not everyone was happy with us being together. A lot would question our relationship.

It was a great mystery to everyone, even to me, why he chose me. I was just a mere commoner. Average, like everyone else. But somehow, he sees me differently. 

"I don't understand," I mumbled as I was over think about a gossip I overheard about us. Akashi, who was walking me home, stopped his tracks and turned to me, "What is it?"

I took a deep breath, "Why me? Among all the other females that likes you so much; you decided to pick me over them. Why?" I questioned, avoiding his gaze.

"I didn't know a reason is needed for that," he retorted.

"But they're far greater than I am. More beautiful, talented, more--" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Akashi cut in,

"I disagree," he stated, "Because I see more of you than what you see yourself. Don't mind what others say, because you are the one I want to be with," was what he remarked. At his words, a blush displayed on my cheeks, "So stop those ridiculous questions of yours," he stated before offering his hand, " Let's go," he displayed a soft smile. 

The way Akashi would hold my hand in public to show everyone I'm his. Stating compliments out of the blue just to make me feel special.  Kisses, going out on dates and other things. He made me feel like I'm the only one for him.

Exams were just around the corner at that time, all the students were busy studying their brains out inside the library. And one of them was me.  "I can't anymore, Akashi-kun," I complained, slumping my arms on the table and leaning my head down on the book I was reading. Akashi suggested to tutor me on History subject because I was having a hard time with it; at first I thought it was a good idea. But heck, the redhead was strict.

"We're not even halfway yet," the redhead that sat on the chair across mine stated. A history book in his hand and a grin on his lips. Not lifting my head, "But my head hurts. Why is it that we need to study History? I mean, there's nothing new in it anyway," I mumbled before sitting back up. A quiet chuckle escaped the redhead's lips because of my sarcastic comment. I smiled at the sight of it before he spoke up, "Say, would you mind?" Akashi questioned with a mischievous grin. "Mind what?" I repeated his words, tilting my head to the side.

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