Chapter 26

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AN: Brace yourselves... This is a long one...

Foxwood's POV

We all made it back to the castle and in the foyer, lay three kids around my age, unconscious. "Ken!" Micah shouted and ran over to one of them and placed two fingers on his neck. "Oh thank goodness your alive..." He sighed with relief and hugged the unconcise boy.

"Foxwood your back." A familiar gruff voice said and a boy emerged from behind the staircase. He approached me but Susanoo barred his path with his Naginata.

"Foxy... You know this guy?" He asked and I sniffed the air and nodded.

"Yeah... Shard you look different..." I said and the disguised dragon laughed and with a flash the young dragon stood before us.

"Heh yeah... Us Dragons have human forms we can disguise ourselves as... It exhausts us but it's helpful to avoid capture. I do regret to inform you that the kids and I were unable to stop Corrin or Selphia... They killed Master Windfall."

"What about Zennia Kaiser, and Orochi they were here too."

"That I don't know... The elevator isn't working anymore nothing in the resort is..."

"It must have run all on Master Windfall's power..." Dmitri said and crouched next to a boy. "Archer... you got careless..."

"So... Orochi, Zennia, and Kaiser are MIA.... Kyle, Inky, LL, Keita, and Elijah are still fighting..." I sighed counting on my fingers. "We're missing six of our most capable wizards, Master Windfalls inquisitors which must be capable, and our Dragon Generals... If I haven't seen a more vulnerable team of Wizards since those Fairies disappeared..."

"Don't forget... We're all grounded without Glacia or Blazer." Micah said and I fell to my knees, I had completely forgotten about Glacia, she was my partner and best friend.

"Blazer's fine..." A familiar voice said and I turned my head to see Inky leaning against the door holding his arm. "So is Kyle... At least I'm pretty sure."

"What do you mean?" Zac asked and turned towards him.

"Kyle's fighting... What I presume to be their Leader... Some guy named Fenrir..."

"Where is he! If he's fighting their leader, he must need our help!" Zac said and fell to his knees.

"Zac... Half the wizards here are incapable of fighting... Susanoo and Micah are the only one's capable right now..." I said and he punched the ground. "But yeah, where is he?"

"The south beach. I'll take you there..." Inky said and stood up but fell back instantly... "Oof..."

"Susanoo... Get me part of that banister." I ordered and the demon prince humbly complied slicing of part of the banister and carried over to me. I took a piece and bit into it and ate the rest after that. I walked over to Inky and held out my hands. "Nature's bounty. Healing Wings." I said a magic circle appearing and a soft light enveloping him. "There you should be able to move at the least..." I said and he stood up and span his arm.

"Thanks... Micah, Susanoo... Whoever you are come with me."

Chapter 26: Sunrise on a broken heart. The end of a life

Inky's POV

I lead Micah and Susanoo through the woods that lead to the beach. The rain was letting up but the fog remained. When we got close to the beach it was completely silent. "You said he was probably still fighting... Did he win?" Micah asked and I shrugged and pushed through the bush. The shore was cover in craters, palm trees were cut in half and lay scattered about, and in the middle of the beach was Kyle looming over something on his hands and knees. "Kyle!" Micah shouted and rushed over to him but he was stopped as Kyle waved his arm and a gale struck the beach stopping him.

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