Chapter Two

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I can not tell you how awkward it was, sitting in the company of the boy who caused me so much pain. When we were still friends, I told him about my poor self image. About how I felt different and inferior to the other girls because I was short, because I wasn't skinny enough, because I wasn't pretty enough. He told me that I was perfect just like I was and that the other girls were just jealous because I was beautiful, inside and out. I felt good about my body. I was happy with who I was. Then he started ignoring me, and it made me wonder if it was because I wasn't skinny or pretty, and my self-esteem plumetted.

I looked over at Kaleb. He still hadn't looked up from his phone. I remembered how I'd secretly had a crush on him. I mean, he's gorgeous! Thick, dark, wavy hair; dark, chocolaty eyes, an incredible smile and he was like, the nicest guy ever! He always knew how to make me laugh and understood my weird sense of humour. I'd never told anyone about the crush because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

The hiss of the bus breaks jerked me back to reality. We both got up and walked to the bus, me just behind him. I expected him to wait and let me through the door first, but instead he barged right through.

I stepped onto the crowded bus and looked for a seat. Luckily, my friend Amy had saved me a seat.
"Morning Case! How are you?" Amy asked smiling.
"I am literally SO excited for Christmas!" She practically screamed at me.
"Hey Amz. I've just had the worst morning..." I then proceded to tell her the what had happened.
"Casey, how many times must I tell you? Just forget about him! He's not worth it!" I love Amy, but she doesn't understand. She's not the best listener either.
"It's not that easy Amy." I replied.
"Whatever. Let's not argue." Amy said. "I can't for the Michael Bublé concert next week!"
My mood immediately picked up. I loved Michale Bublé!
"Me niether. I've always wanted to see him perform at Christmas time!" I replied excitedly.

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