Chapter Five

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I woke up in a surprisingly ok mood. I decided to put what happened with Kaleb behind me and move on. I walked over to my window and opened the curtains. I gasped as I looked outside. It had snowed overnight!

Dressed warmly in white jeans, brown boots, a moss green jumper and my thick parka jacket, I set off for school. The snow crunched satisfyingly underfoot. I remembered about the singing auditions for the dance. I decided to go for it. I needed to take some risks and get my mind off things. This seemed like the perfect distraction.

Luckily I did not need to encounter the World's Biggest Jerk because I arrived at the bus stop just as the bus pulled up. I slumped down next to Amy who hugged me hello.
"Morning Case. How are you?" She asked. Looking concerned.
"I'm alright, I suppose. I don't know how I'm going to survive stupid Romeo and Juliet rehersals." I grumbled. "So you and James..." I asked teasingly. Amy blushed and smiled.
"He's so sweet. I really like him and I think he likes me too! I'm going to his house later to practise the death scene." She gushed.
"Ooh, meeting the parents already?" I teased, dodging her play punch.

I somehow survived three horrifically boring and un-christmassy lessons and breathed a sigh of relief as the bell rang for break. Amy and I walked along the passage to the hall where I would be auctioning.
"By the way Case," Amy said nervously, "I forgot one tiny detail. There is no audtion. You've been chosen for a duet... with Kaleb."
I stopped dead in my tracks and stared at her.
"What!! Amy!! That is a very important tiny detail!! How could you forget to tell me that?" I yelled.
"You would have never agreed I'd told you!" She said and with that she pushed me through the door and into the hall.


The music teacher, Mr. Thompson, looked up.
"Ah, Casey, glad you could make it. We were just about to start. Go ahead and stand on stage. We're singing "Baby it's cold outside" here's your microphone" he said, shoving it into my hands and pushing me up on stage where Kaleb was already standing. As the music started playing, an image of Kaleb and I sitting at the fire, him on the guitar, singing Christmas songs. Hard to believe a year ago we were still the best of friends. I push the memories away and start singing.
C: "I really can't stay... "
K: "Baby its cold outside"
C: "I've got to go way..."
K: "Baby it's cold outside"
As he started singing, again the memory of us last Christmas comes into mind. This time, it won't go away. As we finish singing, tears spring into my eyes until I can't stop them from spilling over. 
"That was awesome guys!"
Mr Thompson said, obviously not noticing the tears in my eyes
"That song is so perfect. One more time from the top."

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