Chapter Seven

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I woke up in a total daze of happiness. Kaleb was talking to me again and it was Friday. I was actually looking forward to performing with Kaleb tonight. I jumped out of bed and danced around my room singing my part of the duet loudly as I got ready.

When I walked downstairs, I walked into the kitchen to say good morning to my mom.
"Morning mom." I said, kissing her on the cheek. "Could I ask a huge favour?"
"Morning Casey, yes, of course, what is it?"
"Could you take me to the mall later so I can get a dresa for the dance tonight? I'm performing with Kaleb." I asked.
"Oh, Case, I can try, but you know how busy I am with work and with Christmas coming up..." my mom replied.
"Ok, don't worry about it." I said, a little disappointed.

I walked to the bus stop humming happily, the snow crunching satisfyingly underfoot. When I arrived at the bus stop amd saw Kaleb, my heart did a little leap of joy.

"Morning Casey!" Kaleb said, getting up and hugging me hello.
"Morning Kubs." I said. I cringed as I realised I'd called him by the nickname I'd given him when we were 10. He smiled and laughed.
"Gosh, when was the last time you called me that? I'm really looking forward to tonight. What are you wearing?" Kaleb asked.
"I don't know, I don't exactly have a dress yet." I replied.
"Well, then you are coming with me after school and we are going to find you a dress." He said.
"Kaleb, you don't have to do that..." I protested.
"No, you are coming and that is final." Kaleb said, laughing.
"Well, if you insist. Thanks Kaleb." I said, smiling.

The school day dragged on for much too long for my liking. By the time the end-of-day bell rang, I'd texted my mom to let her know I'd be going with Kaleb. We walked out of school together to where his mom was waiting to pick us up.

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