Chapter 1 introduction

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Before I write this is an English assignment I am writing and is still not finished. It is suppose to be a short story but obviously it's not so.. I hope you like it. DISCALMER I DO NOT OWN THE CHARACTERS (I wish) THE AMAZING CASSANDRA CLARE DOSE.


Clary's POV

Jace and I are walking down the main street in Brooklyn, the summer sun shines bright with a nice warm summer breeze to accompany it, it ruffles my dark red cascaded curls, Jace walks beside me hand in hand, his skin is warm against mine. Before we left the institute we drawn invisibility runes on us so the mundane's (humans oblivious to the shadow hunter world) Can't see us, Hodge said "be careful, keep an eye out for demons because we got word from the clave that valentine is back", I felt Jace stiffen at those words. Jace and I finally reach my Mum and Luke's apartment (since I moved into the institute), the summer sun makes the building cast a dark shadow to looms over us, the Two story, warn brick building with a black steel fence and a garden over run by weeds stands in front of us, Jace walks in front of me our hands still connected he has his left hand on his seraph blade ready for any demon to pounce, Because of what happened with Madame Dorothea (she turned to a demon and got her hands on the mortal cup to give to valentine and hurt Jace, Izzy, Alec and me in the process).

I walked up the stairs, Jace behind me, I tugged on the door handle thinking it would be locked, I was wrong it swung right open, with that jace stood in-front of me protecting me, the seraph blade was out in an instant the crystal like blade caught on the light making a rainbow shadow. jace and I walked up the stairs creaky stairs carefully, we finally reached the top I ran as fast as I could Jace tried to stop me but I didn't, I reached the apartment where my mother and Luke live the door was thrown into the dust filled hallway split in half, it looked like a hurricane hit, claw marks on the walls, books scattered everywhere and mum's artwork torn. The only room left untouched was my apart from the words written in blood "I WILL GET YOU, YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME. It felt like I had a boat anchor in my stomach, my knees gave way before I knew it strong but gentle hands were carrying me to the torn sofa.


Thank you for reading  so far

I will try and update as much as I can but school can interrupt but I will try

thank you again- Em :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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