Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Aubrey's POV

The current was strong. It kept rocking the boat towards and then away from our destination. Dean and I were both soaked from the splash of it all. He used the paddle in the front while I used my arm at the back. It took what seemed like forever to get onto shore. After our battle with the water, we finally fit between two boulders right when the current pushed us in. Hurriedly, we hoped out of the dingy and finished pulling it further onto the shore. Both of us then collapsed into the sand from the exhaustion of if all.

"You okay?" Dean asked looking over at me.

"Tired. But I'll be fine in a few." I replied smiling at him. We laid like that for awhile. I closed my eyes while the hot sun was beating on our wet bodies, drying us up. It gave me a renewed energy thank goodness. The waves were crashing just feet away from me. It was all quite serene. I opened my eyes and looked over at Dean to catch him staring at me. He quickly looked up at the sky and sat up.

"You ready to look around?" Dean asked while getting up. I nodded my head and he handed his hand out for me. I grabbed it and he helped pull me out of the sand. Our hands stayed like that for a minute while we stared into each others eyes. Dean then looked down and pulled his hand away quickly, a frown covering his face. He started to walked along the shore. I stared after him contemplating the moment that just happened between us. It felt...I don't know....right? Just then he snaps me out of my thoughts by turning around saying,

"You coming? If there is someone here, they are bound to be somewhere near the beach. I mean, it's beautiful out here." He waves his arms around.

"You mean a tourist attraction? Like a hotel of some sorts?" I ask.

"Yeah, something like that." Dean replies smiling. I had finally caught up to him and we start our trek around the island.


The sun was high in the sky. It was most likely around noon and we were still walking around the island. The white sand was very hot on my feet and my sandals certainly were not protecting them. I was getting thirsty but we ran out of the bottle of fresh water from the dingy an hour ago. I was starting to feel dizzy and hot but i figured it was nothing. Dean would occasionally bend over when he found a seashell, retrieving it and putting it in his pocket.

"Dean, we've been walking for hours along this shore and we haven't seen anything yet."

"I know!........I know." He exclaims. Stopping abruptly he looks at me. "I wish we would've found a coffee shop by now. I just want a double-shot expresso mocha!" he winks and we keep walking.

"Yeah, I'm quite thirsty myself." I reply. We keep walking along the beach, my footsteps matching his. Time goes by with no words said. By now I am panting out of thirst. I'm starting to feel more and more dizzy and lightheaded as the seconds go by. My hot flashes continue until I feel like a oven. I then trip over my foot stumbling into Dean.

"Woah there!" he says grabbing my arms and steadying me. I feel like I'm on fire, like I will burn to a crisp in any minute. He looks at me carefully studying my face. "Are you okay? You don't look good at all." I wipe my forehead off with the back of my hand. Swear covers it in a shiny layer.

"Wow, what a complement." I say losing my balance and falling to the sand suddenly. The sand feels cool against my body. I must really be overheated to feel like this. Dean bends down and puts my head in his lap.

"Hey, hey stay with me." He said patting my cheek. "Oh my god, you're on fire." Dean pinches the skin on the back of my hand and the skin sticks together before slowly separating back onto my hand. "You're dehydrated, just as I thought."

Dean's POV


What am I going to do now. There is no fresh water in sight and she is going unconscious. I look over to the dense, tropical greenery to the left. There has to be some spring in there or something. It doesn't matter, I just know she needs water, and fast. I dip my hand in the ocean water beside me and splash some on Aubrey's face to cool it off. I don't have much time so I swoop her into my arms bridal style and stalk towards the unknown that is this lush jungle.


Running. Endlessly running frantically through the jungle trying to spot anything, a hotel or spring, SOMETHING ANYTHING that can help Aubrey fast. She was slipping into unconsciousness still in my arms. I keep searching with my heart beating quickly. Scratches cover my arms and legs from the various plants I charge through. I make sure Aubrey doesn't get a single hair from her head harmed. She's too....perfect. And I owe her for being in this mess. I would do anything to insure her safety. Even now when I'm her only life source. Her body is so hot, as in temperature hot, that it starts to burn me where she is touching me. Aubrey suddenly goes limp.

"No no no AUBREY! STAY WITH ME!" I yell while shaking her a bit. She stirs as I continue running.

Suddenly I came upon a small clearing. I saw that it was actually a part of a clear path, cut perfectly into the greenery. I hurriedly follow it and stop when I come to a crossroads a few feet down it. I look left and right. Time is running out. I listen and her water rumbling to my right. I could've just been hearing things but my doubts were proved wrong when I came upon a huge waterfall of clear blue that flowed into a decent size stream. So overfilled with joy, I take Aubrey to the water nearest to us and sit her down in it. She gasped and her eyes flew open. I hurriedly tasted the water. Thank God, it was fresh water. I started digging through Aubrey's bag and grabbed the water bottle from the dingy and filled it up quickly while she was still in shock.

"Fresh water-drink-up!" I pant out while I force the bottle into her hands and guide them to her lips. She opens her mouth willingly and starts to gulp the water hastily. Meanwhile I keep dipping my hands into the water and wipe them on her warm face. She finishes off the water just as I am wiping off her cheek. I let my hand rest there for a minute. It feels good...but I know it's not right. I'm not right for her.

Aubrey's POV

His hand rested there. My skin was on fire, not from the dehydration but from his touch. I've never felt this way before. Dean was just so...

He removed his hand and hurriedly looked down. "You feel a lot cooler now."

"Yeah." I say breathlessly. Dean takes the water bottle from me and fills it up again.

"Sorry for dumping you in this stream. It was spur of the moment I guess." he said keeping his head down handing me the bottle. I gulp it all down once again.

"No it's okay. If anything I think it helped, you know, the cool water and all." I state looking at the water I was currently sitting in. "Thank you, again. I'm obviously quite a handful."

"It's no problem to me Aubrey. I'm glad you're okay.....I honestly don't know what I would do if something happened to you." He says.

We look up at each other. His eyes speak the truth. This is the second time Dean has saved my life, all within a 24 hour period.



Well that was Chapter Three! Things are going to start getting pretty stay tuned :) Merry Christmas everyone and don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share! -E

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