Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Aubrey's POV

As the weeks went by, we were adapting to the island. But only with the help of Jack & Ellie's journals. I was learning tons about the different things on the island that we can eat or use as medicine.

Dean and I went out several times, following the map, to explore and get supplies. One time, we found banana trees right where they were supposed to be and picked a few bunches for back at home.

Yes I just called it home.

It is to me now.

We also went down to a cove on the north side of the island to fish. Dean made a spear out of a tree and some sharpened rock (also from the journals....just saying) and of course he did most of the fishing. I didn't mind though. His face in deep concentration and his back muscles, lets just say I was enjoying the view.

"You know as much as your enjoying my beautiful physique, I think we caught enough fish for now." Dean said, his back still turned to me.

"Haha very funny." I replied getting up. I grabbed the bag with our bananas while he carried the net full of fish (*cough* instructions from the journals too *cough*).

"You lead. I like the view." He said winking. I blushed like an idiot of course.

The island has been very hot lately since the rain left so that has left me walking in my bikini top and the jeans I cut into shorts while Dean walks around shirtless in his shorts.

I'm still getting used to this.

He chuckles and leads the way back. I knew he wouldn't let me go first. Not that I don't know the way, Dean just wants to protect me considering there are "things on this island that could hurt me". He read it from Jack's journal about their life here but he refuses to tell me what exactly he read that gave him so much concern. I follow him closely.

Dean's POV

These journals have been a life-saver. We have been navigating and rummaging this island like we have lived here for years instead of a few weeks. Then again, it's because of people who had lived her for years.

I personally find myself reading Jack's personal journal the most. I can relate to him on so many levels and its like looking up to the father I never had. Like this book is his advice to me.

Jack warns that there are creatures out there that are dangerous. He could hear their roars at night. Of course the fence around the property protects but I'm still always on guard for Aubrey's sake. I told her just that I read that there are some things out there that could seriously harm her. I thank God that she got what I was saying and she never wonders off without me. I carry a spear when we are out and I keep one in our room. Ill go to lengths to keep her safe.

Aubrey. Aubrey. Aubrey.

We have gotten closer over the time spent on this island so far. I love to see her smile and hear her laugh. I help her cook our food over the fire because it brings me joy to do things with her. Aubrey says I'm better at roasting the fish to "perfection". I just laugh considering if she never prepared it with spices and such, it would taste nasty no matter how I cooked it.

Aubrey always has me stand guard when she bathes under the waterfall not far from the river. I don't watch her though. I respect her space. We both agreed that it is way to early to even be thinking of, as she puts it, "THAT".

I still give her a goodnight kiss and hold her in my arms at nighttime. We wrap ourselves around each other as if that is our only sense of security. It is in a way.

Life goes on and all we really have is each other.

I have yet to make our "relationship" official but I'm just giving her time. I can tell she is still adjusting to the whole fact of being stranded and I don't want to overwhelm her. I'm going to do it soon though.

I'm thankful for her.

Aubrey's POV

As I fall asleep every night in Dean's arms, I can truly say I'm grateful to have him. I'm not stranded alone and that's a blessing to me.

I snuggle closer to him as I hear loud echoing roars from a far distance. Then, before I know it, I've fallen asleep.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed. I also changed the cover last week and i think it looks soooooooo much better now. Sorry if its kinda boring. I'm getting some writers block as to what to fill in between the major plot points. I would love some suggestions from you guys! *gets zero suggestions* Anyways thank you for reading and don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share! "See" you next Friday -E

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