Chapter 12 : New Business

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Sasha slowly opened her eyes. She heard footsteps approach the door. "Hov", she whispered, "Hov wake up."
Hov started to move a little, "What? What's wrong babe?" Sasha pointed towards the door. Hov frowned as the sunlight peered through the thin curtains of the window. He went to sit up, "Come on, let's get up", Sasha moved to sit beside Hov, slipping her shirt on over her head. Hov picked up the pistol off of his nightstand, putting on the safety and sticking it in his back pocket. "Hov, why you putting it up?", Sasha frowned. Hov glanced at her over his shoulder, "What I tell you Sash, if it's a cop..."
"Ok, Ok, don't shoot", she said annoyed. She gathered all of her stuff off of the bed, putting it in her luggage bag. Hov did the same, and they both watched the door, as a dark figure shaded the window, another person went towards the door, Hov heard the key as the doorknob slowly turned. He motioned for Sasha to stay sitting on the bed as he went to stand behind the door, she did as he said, holding her luggage bad snuggly. The door opened to reveal the manager, he had another man with him, apparently his brother since they looked a lot alike. Sasha stared blankly at then as they came in. She could tell they were up to no good.

The manager sat down on the bed beside Sasha with a devious smile, "So what brings you here all alone, Ma?", despite his foreign appearance, he spoke like he was a hood rat in the making. His brother sat behind Sasha, he lightly touched her hair, causing her to flash a vicious scowl at him. "Don't do that", she snapped. It took everything Hov had not to come out from behind the door, not yet.

Sasha felt extremely uncomfortable as the manager put his hand on her leg. "What do you think you're doing?", she watched as his brother scooted closer. 'I can't shoot these motherfuckers, then what am I doing?!' She frowned deeply as she felt a familiar rage start to build in her, "Get your hands off of me.", she warned. The manager laughed mockingly, "You're not the boss of me, ma" "And would you stop calling me that!" The manager's brother softly stroked Sasha's arm, causing her to jerk away. She warned them once more, "I said get your hands off of me" They both looked at her then at each other, laughing, "What are you gonna do?" "Yeah, ma, you ain't gon do nothing." The manager's brother got up from the bed, he stood over Sasha with a dark grin on his face, she immediately snapped at him, "Oh hell no, get the fuck out", she shooed at them, "the door...", they didn't budge, "I said the fucking door nigga!", Sasha went to stand, but the manager grabbed her arm, yanking her back down. "I don't like your tone, ma"
"And I don't like your I guess everyone is unhappy right now"
The manager's brother pushed Sasha onto the bed, he held her arms tightly.
"Nigga, get the fuck off of me!", he shook her roughly, "Call me that again, see what happens bitch"
She felt her cheeks get red as she clenched her fists, she pushed forward with as much strength as she could muster, causing him to lose his grip on her arms, she saw Hov grab his shirt, throwing him towards the floor. The manager attempted to grab her as Hov was trying to get his brother out of the room. He pulled at her arm, causing her to fall back onto the bed. She yanked away from him, he knew he couldn't take Hov and Sasha both, so he hurried out of the back door. Sasha felt burning around her hands, the manager's brother had made her skin red from shaking her. She groaned softly, "Can we go now?", Hov noticed her wrists and told her to sit on the bed. She reluctantly sat back down, stilling feeling sick from having to fight so early in the morning. Hov got some gauze out of his bag, and a pair of gloves. After wraping Sasha's hands, he gave her the gloves. "These don't have the fingers in them", she frowned. "They're made like that smarty", he smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "Come on", he extended his hand. Sasha took it standing up, he loosened his grip on her. "What's wrong?", she asked, concerned. Hov picked her up bridal style, "I'm not gonna have my baby girl hurting." He carried her all the way to the car, setting her inside. He handed her bag to her, throwing his in the back. Hov drove off, feeling somewhat shaken.
(30 minutes later)
Hov pulled up to the house as Sasha rummaged through her bag for some pain killers, her wrists were still burning. She looked up to see the house.

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