Chapter 3

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My heart skipped a few beats when I heard Sloane's angelic voice through the phone. I was so nervous about asking her on a date but I had to see her again. Sloane was different. She was much unlike the girls I had dated in the past. The way her retainer would glimmer in the sun made my heart melt and the way she ate her bologna sandwiches was amazing. Her poopy blonde hair turned me on although she had some fake lighter blonde highlights to try and cover it up. I don't understand why though. Her hair is gorgeous! Even though Sloane has no boobs or a butt, her personality sure make up for it.
"Umm Harry... Are you there?" Spoke Sloane snapping me out of my day dream.
"Yeah sorry I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner with me tomorrow?"
"Sure I'd love to! Pick me up at seven." With that, Sloane hung up the phone and I went off to bed, dreaming about Sloane's perfect face.

*The next afternoon*
Harry's POV

The warm water of the shower didn't help my nerves at all! I couldn't stop thinking about what Sloane might think of my fpp. I can't imagine what she would do if she found out how floppy my penis is. Sloane is different but what if she reacts like all the other girls did in the past? Sloane is my last hope. I don't think I will ever like anyone again if Sloane rejects me. All of a sudden, BTR came on pandora and I instantly pictured Sloane from the day we met at the cliff. The way she moved and danced was intoxicating. I turned out the water of the shower and got ready for my upcoming date with Sloane.

AHH WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK SO FAR?!! Harry and Sloane's date is going to be in the next chapter and who knows... Sloane may find out about Harry's fpp ;) vote and comment xxx

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