Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

I felt my heart drop all the way down to my floppy penis when I heard those words come out of Sloane's mouth. I didn't expect the truth to come out so soon. I slowly nodded my head answering her question.

"Oh wow. How do you live with that?" Sloane asked. She must've thought I was the biggest loser ever.

"It's impossible. Nobody will ever like me I knew life was pointless. I should've ended it a long time ago." I was stupid to ever think Sloane could possibly look past this major problem.

"Is that why you were about to jump off the cliff the other day when I was there for my loner picnic?" she questioned me. I nodded again in shame. No words could describe the humiliation I was feeling right now.

I started to walk away from her because I was so embarrassed when I felt Sloane's tiny hand grab my wrist and turn me around. "Don't worry about your fpp. We can get through this together. I don't want you to give up on yourself because I know you can get through this, and I want you to know I'm here for you."

"But my penis will never stop being floppy. It will always be like this. There isn't a cure." I spoke shaking my head in shame. I could feel the hot tears forming in the back of my eyes, so I forced them shut not allowing the tears to fall. The next thing I knew Sloane's soft lips were pressed against my cheek. I tried to ignore the fire ignited in me at her small gesture, but it was so strong. I opened my eyes to see her beautiful metal smile.

"Come on let's go back to my place. You've had a rough day and I know just what to do to make it better," Sloane pulled me alongside her as we made our way back to my car. As I opened the door for her to get in, I couldn't help but wonder what Sloane was planning, but my imagination was running wild at the endless possibilities.

Sloane's POV

The drive to my house was silent for the most part. I gave Harry directions, and he drove through all the complicated twists and turns finally arriving at my house. I could see all the lights turned on just as I had left them when Harry picked me up. My house was small and cozy. It was one story and made almost completely out of red brick. The pretty yellow flowers growing around the house made me smile. I had worked really hard on my garden.

I looked over to Harry who was really antsy and giggly. I wondered why he was acting weird. I just invited him over to make him some tea...nobody gets that excited over my tea, not even my mom! I followed him into the house as he did a little happy dance. I didn't really explain myself when I invited him over. I just said I knew what would make him feel better. Oh gosh, did he think we were going to do dirty stuff?! I knew something like this would happen I just didn't expect it so soon. I had to tell him about my contagious syndrome. It has caused me to lose all of my friends. I couldn't lose Harry too! I mentally prepared myself for what was about to come. I had to tell Harry I have dangerous vagina disease, dvd for short.

Wow chapter 5 already!!! I'm really excited to tell you guys I've received my first fan edit of Sloane and Harry!! I made it the new cover for the book! I can't believe I've reached over 100 reads that's crazy!!!! Thanks so much everyone xxx I think it would be really cool if some fan accounts were created! Sorry for another cliff hanger, but hopefully it will be updated tomorrow or Tuesday.

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