Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Harry just told me he loved me. My tea must've done something to him because there is no way he could love me. We have only been on one date, not even my mom has told me she loves me.

The next thing I know I'm being picked up and carried by strong arms. I screw my eyes shut to make sure Harry thinks I'm asleep. He enters my bedroom and lays me down softly on my bed. I feel the bed sink as he climbs in with me.

"Goodnight Sloane," Harry says as he softly kisses my forehead.


Sloane pressed soft, wet kisses to my neck as I moaned her name. It felt so good to be this close to someone. It had been so long. I could feel the blood rushing to my penis as our make out session got heated.

Before I knew it, Sloane was unzipping my pants allowing herself to get a grip of my manliness. She started palming me through my boxers as I sucked hard on her neck. I continued to enjoy myself, but soon realized the warm sensation from Sloane's hands was gone.

"HELP ME!" I heard Sloane's voice and looked around for her, but couldn't seem to find her. Then, I saw her. She was trapped under me, my floppy penis flopping wildly around her. I was unable to move or make any sound. As my penis flipped around uncontrollably, it started to wrap around her neck. I could see it tightening as her face became a light shade of purple. I was screaming on the inside, but nothing came out. My penis was slowly killing her, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Harry wake up! What's wrong?" I hear a voice bring me out of my slumber making me realize what just happened was a dream. I opened my eyes to see Sloane's worried face staring at me. I was shaking and covered in cold sweat.

"I'm sorry I was having a bad dream," I spoke as I grabbed onto Sloane to make sure what I was saying was true.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really," I didn't want Sloane to know what had happened. It was quite embarrassing.

"You know you can trust me right? You can tell me anything. I'm going to make breakfast now, and I want you to join me when you're ready to tell me what happened. I don't want any secrets between us," Sloane began to walk out of the room leaving me in shock. How was I supposed to tell her I had a dream about my floppy penis choking her to death?

Sorry I took so long to update. I'm lazy.

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