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Kurt checked his watch, the only accessory of any kind that he had anymore. Yes, Blaine was definitely not coming.

He wanted to cry. Either something had happened, or Blaine had decided that he didn't want to see him anymore. Kurt wouldn't blame him. He had disappeared for over a year, putting Blaine in jail and making him believe that he was dead.

It wasn't exactly my fault, Kurt thought bitterly, Karofsky would have killed us both. He tried.

Somehow, Blaine had managed to stay as devastatingly handsome as he had been ever since Kurt had met him.Although he didn't slick back his bushy hair anymore, it looked incredible, and his body was better than ever. Kurt, on the other hand, probably looked awful. He had an disgusting scar, he hadn't gotten a haircut in months, and he hadn't moisturized properly since he had been shot. His skin was horrid, and his eyes were baggy from lack of sleep.

Kurt nestled deeper in his cocoon of wool blankets. Ohio was still cold, even now that it was well into the spring. Kurt distracted himself from the absence of Blaine by re-living the last time he had seen Blaine up on this roof. He smiled through the tears streaking gently down his cheeks, remembering how hopeful Blaine had sounded when he had asked to be kissed. Kurt had missed him so much over the past year. Every new location, every new identity he had assumed brought on a flurry of regret and pain. And now, Blaine hadn't even shown up to meet him.

A creaking noise came from the edge of the roof. It was the sound of the janitor's ladder.

Panic coursed through Kurt's veins. He would have to hide, but where? Where he lay behind the chimneys was the only structure in sight. And how would he be able to get away?

Kurt took a chance. He lifted his head, sitting up to look around  the chimney and over to where he heard someone climbing up the ladder.

What he saw nearly made him faint.

"Coach Beiste?"

Until The End Of Time - KlaineWhere stories live. Discover now